source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen
1. I am delighted to be invited to this occasion that marks the 10th anniversary celebrations of Kaudwane Primary School. As I see it, the event is important, not only for the teachers and pupils of this school, but also the entire community of Kaudwane village.
2. It is important for all of us to know that anniversary celebrations give us an opportunity to take stock of our performance in terms of successes, challenges and future strategies. It is, therefore, my conviction that this occasion provides an opportunity for this school to reflect on past experiences, the present situation and the future of the school with a view to improve the provision and management of primary education.
3. I am reliably informed that Kaudwane Primary School was opened in 1998 with an enrolment of 141 pupils. The school's enrolment has since increased to 257 pupils. At its inception, the classes of the school ranged from standard one to standard five, and later increased to standard six and standard seven.
4. I wish to note that since your school participated in the Primary School Leaving Examination in 2000, its performance in the ABC category of pass rates shows a worrying trend of decline. A look at the trend in the performance of the school in the past 8 years (2000 - 2007) shows that you achieved a 100% ABC pass rate in 2000, obtaining position one in the inspectoral area out of 27 schools. In 2001 you recorded 80% at position 10. In 2002, 84% position 11, 2003, 75% position 14, 2004, 68% position 15, 2005, 75% position 1, 2006, 96%, position 1 and 2007, 50% position 13. As I have indicated, the results show inconsistencies and decline in performance, something that I suppose you are also concerned about. However, you need to be commended for the outstanding performance you have recorded especially in the good years.
5. Let me hasten to say that there is a very close relationship between schools' pass rates and celebrations of this type. Pass rates at any level of education are an important yardstick of progress towards achieving quality in education. Achievements in learning are the most important measures of success or failure of an education system because they inform us as a nation of the impact our schools are making in terms of desired knowledge, skills and attitudes.
6. The Kaudwane community is also reported to be active in the affairs of their children at school. Examples of these initiatives include your community's involvement in a number of school-based projects aimed at supplementing what the school is doing to achieve access, equity and quality in education. I want to take this opportunity to encourage parents and the community at large to continue to take education of their children seriously because "education is the key to the future" in any society.
7. Some of your interventions I am told include the dropout follow-up projects, construction of sports grounds, installation of standpipes in the school garden and the planting of trees in the school. I wish to commend you and indeed the community for this co-operation.
8. I am also delighted to learn that this occasion also celebrates the spirit of partnership that exists in your school. I am told that you have mobilized and partnered with some notable local and international donors and agencies in pursuit of some of these projects. These include the World Challenge Expeditions, the Leopard Ecology and Permaculture Botswana all of which assisted your schools with poultry and environment related projects. Your children's engagement in these projects through their school environment helps them to practice what they learn and serves to augment what they are taught in school and also instil a sense of accountability.
9. I wish to take this opportunity to share with you some of the new initiatives aimed at improving the performance of the sub-sector of primary education in Botswana. The Ministry of Education and Skills Development has introduced initiatives like subject specialization and other strategies aimed at improving results of Primary School Leaving Examinations. Subject specialization will enable teachers to teach subjects which they are most proficient in and produce better results. Currently, 273 Primary Schools are implementing subject specialization from Standard Four and the Ministry aims at rolling out the innovation to all schools, in a phased manner taking into account the resource requirements.
10. The second quality improvement initiative is a School Capacity Building Programme aimed at improving instructional leadership at senior management level of schools. This is done through a management training programme targeting the School Heads, Deputies, Heads of Department and Senior Teachers.
11. Last but equally important is the effort by the Ministry to enhance inspection and supervision as a way to improve quality and discipline. You will recall that inspection and supervision of schools used to be a routine expectation of schools, with emphasis on the number of schools inspected per year. This practice has since stopped with the introduction of a more targeted approach to address inspection and supervision.
12. Under this arrangement, the inspection and supervision targets the under-performing schools. The approach encourages your Principal Education Officers to visit these schools more often than other schools.
13. I am aware of some of the challenges that your school is facing, such as the incidence of students dropping out of school. The Ministry of Education and Skills Development is currently engaged in a study to determine the causes of dropouts. While the Ministry is busy with this study, it remains your responsibility as students to stay focused and dedicated to your school work. You need to discipline yourselves and stay away from bad practices like alcohol consumption and smoking. It is also a responsibility of parents to instil discipline in their children. No responsible society can sit back and watch their children go astray and lose direction. As for other challenges, like communications, school supplies and vacancies, I can promise that I will direct the relevant authorities to act with speed and provide feedback.
14. Let me conclude by once more thanking you for this invitation; it has been a pleasure for me to share this occasion with you and the Kaudwane community. I thank you and wish you a fruitful and joyous day. Pula!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Keynote Address by His Excellency Mr. Festus G. Mogae at the Second Annual Youth Against AIDS (YAA) Awards Dinner
source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]... Ladies and Gentlemen Good Evening!
1. It is indeed a pleasure to be among young people who have dedicated themselves to increasing awareness of the dangers of HIV and AIDS. It is commendable because young people are the most vulnerable. We have lost many of them since the first AIDS case was diagnosed in Botswana in 1985.
2. Your activism to bring about behaviour change amongst the youth is therefore the right thing to do. I am informed that through these awards Tebelopele Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre acknowledges the outstanding commitment and dedication of young people who have done exceptional works in HIV prevention amongst the youth through empowerment and development.
3. It is a welcome arrangement that this initiative led by Tebelopele is spearheaded by the youth and anchored on volunteerism. The future of Botswana as a nation will depend on our young people taking responsibility in protecting themselves against HIV and AIDS. It is therefore progressive that as young people you are volunteering your time and energy to do something that is critical to the future of this nation.
4. Through this programme you are grooming leaders and encouraging young people to support their peers in their prevention strategies through counselling and addressing issues that could act as barriers to the prevention of HIV and AIDS amongst youth. You are targeting the right groups of the youth - in-school adolescents aged 14 to 20 years and out-of-school young adults aged 21 to 24 years.
5. As chairperson of the National AIDS Council, I am proud that you encourage young people to seek counselling-based prevention as well as to know their HIV-status. Knowing your status is essential in the campaign against HIV and AIDS. Prevention should be your focus as you expose young people to accurate and relevant information which will enable them to make informed decisions about their lives.
6. The youth should be empowered to address issues of their sexuality and HIV and AIDS prevention. With adequate support they can lead the struggle against HIV and AIDS. We should intensify our campaign for prevention, especially if we are to achieve our goal of no new infections by 2016 and therefore an AIDS-free generation. We commend Tebelopele for this wonderful work.
7. As part of the process of empowerment, I urge organisations that focus on the youth and HIV to involve them in the planning and implementation of their programmes. This will build confidence, buy-in and ensure success.
8. I note with satisfaction that you are partnering with important stakeholders such as Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and other professional bodies and organisation involved in education, sports, music and fashion. I appeal to others who are not yet involved to come on board and assist you.
9. Let me conclude by cautioning our young people against risky behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse. Take charge of your lives and assist your peers because you are the future of this nation. Leadership is a big challenge which calls for team-work, discipline and Botho. It takes commitment and sacrifice to be a leader and you should be willing to pay the price.
10. I encourage you to make use of the networks that you are building to spread the message of prevention. I commend you for your efforts and encourage you to soldier on because the battle against HIV and AIDS is far from being won. I thank you!
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]... Ladies and Gentlemen Good Evening!
1. It is indeed a pleasure to be among young people who have dedicated themselves to increasing awareness of the dangers of HIV and AIDS. It is commendable because young people are the most vulnerable. We have lost many of them since the first AIDS case was diagnosed in Botswana in 1985.
2. Your activism to bring about behaviour change amongst the youth is therefore the right thing to do. I am informed that through these awards Tebelopele Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre acknowledges the outstanding commitment and dedication of young people who have done exceptional works in HIV prevention amongst the youth through empowerment and development.
3. It is a welcome arrangement that this initiative led by Tebelopele is spearheaded by the youth and anchored on volunteerism. The future of Botswana as a nation will depend on our young people taking responsibility in protecting themselves against HIV and AIDS. It is therefore progressive that as young people you are volunteering your time and energy to do something that is critical to the future of this nation.
4. Through this programme you are grooming leaders and encouraging young people to support their peers in their prevention strategies through counselling and addressing issues that could act as barriers to the prevention of HIV and AIDS amongst youth. You are targeting the right groups of the youth - in-school adolescents aged 14 to 20 years and out-of-school young adults aged 21 to 24 years.
5. As chairperson of the National AIDS Council, I am proud that you encourage young people to seek counselling-based prevention as well as to know their HIV-status. Knowing your status is essential in the campaign against HIV and AIDS. Prevention should be your focus as you expose young people to accurate and relevant information which will enable them to make informed decisions about their lives.
6. The youth should be empowered to address issues of their sexuality and HIV and AIDS prevention. With adequate support they can lead the struggle against HIV and AIDS. We should intensify our campaign for prevention, especially if we are to achieve our goal of no new infections by 2016 and therefore an AIDS-free generation. We commend Tebelopele for this wonderful work.
7. As part of the process of empowerment, I urge organisations that focus on the youth and HIV to involve them in the planning and implementation of their programmes. This will build confidence, buy-in and ensure success.
8. I note with satisfaction that you are partnering with important stakeholders such as Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and other professional bodies and organisation involved in education, sports, music and fashion. I appeal to others who are not yet involved to come on board and assist you.
9. Let me conclude by cautioning our young people against risky behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse. Take charge of your lives and assist your peers because you are the future of this nation. Leadership is a big challenge which calls for team-work, discipline and Botho. It takes commitment and sacrifice to be a leader and you should be willing to pay the price.
10. I encourage you to make use of the networks that you are building to spread the message of prevention. I commend you for your efforts and encourage you to soldier on because the battle against HIV and AIDS is far from being won. I thank you!
Keynote Address by His Excellency Mr. Festus G. Mogae at the 2008 Annual Orapa and Letlhakane Mines Retirees` Function, held in Orapa
source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening!
1. I am pleased to have been invited to speak at this important function that honours men and women who have contributed immensely to the development of Botswana. Your company is a key player in the development of this country and it is, therefore, an honour to be associated with such an economic giant.
2. This occasion is a bittersweet one because we are honouring your dedication and contribution to Debswana and at the same time bidding you farewell as you leave the company. Bagaetsho, retirement is a time to look back with satisfaction and ahead with anticipation. It offers you the opportunity to reflect and manage your own time. It is also a challenge to survive without formal employment. But depending on what you are going to do, you might find that you are busier than when you were working.
3. I'm talking from experience because when I retired in April this year I expected to disappear and live a quieter and more relaxed life but, alas! the contrary is the case. I am just as busy in retirement as I was in office, the difference being that I am no longer in charge of the country. The same will apply to many of you as you leave the confines of Debswana. Some of you will retire into farming and others venture into business, but whatever your decision, let it be dignified and progressive.
4. Do not fade into oblivion but use the knowledge, skills and experience you acquired during your productive years with Debswana to contribute to the development of your communities. You should volunteer your services to Village Development Committees and other community-based organisations.
5. Tonight you are celebrating the culmination of a career that has helped Botswana prosper, and you should be proud of that. The diamonds that you produced over the years did not only earn you a salary but paid for educating the whole nation, for the development of infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, clinics, and schools, to mention a few. Your diamonds have transformed Botswana from a dusty poor country into a modern middle-income economy.
6. Orapa and Letlhakane mines have a progressive initiative called Diamonds for Development Awareness aimed at protecting Botswana diamonds by raising awareness about the dangers of illicit diamonds trade. I urge you to continue supporting this campaign by educating your communities about the importance of Botswana's diamonds for development.
7. Bagaetsho, I trust that you have been preparing for this day during your years of service by investing part of your money into pension and other investment schemes. I am informed that Debswana takes care of its employees and that guarantees you to either leave with a pension or sizeable gratuity.
8. Whatever you are entitled to, the challenge is to invest some of the money for a rainy day. These are dividends of your years of service which need to be handled gingerly like a basket of eggs. You will never receive such a large sum of money again unless you win lotto.
9. We have seen instances of people who have served diligently but only to become destitute on retirement because they failed to invest their benefits properly. We do not want that to happen to you but that it could only be avoided if you invest your money wisely. In fact, we are supposed to start preparing for our retirement the first day we start work and not when we are about to go.
10. The Government has introduced a number of initiatives to encourage Batswana participate in the diversification of the economy away from minerals. This offers you an investment avenue to consider. You are better placed to know that diamonds are not forever. We have to diversify our economy to sustain economic development.
11. I urge you to explore business or investment opportunities that could assist in economic diversification and employment creation. We implore people such yourself to actively participate in the development of the private sector as investors. It is through the private sector that our dream of economic diversification could be realised.
12. In conclusion, let me commend Debswana management and employees for your contribution to the development of this country. It is because of your dedication, commitment and good corporate governance that Botswana's culture of prudent resource management is regarded highly throughout the world. We have been invited to other countries to share our experience of successful resource management.
13. I was proud to share with the world our Diamonds for Development story and pledge to do so whenever an opportunity arises. As you leave your company I appeal to you to join your communities in the campaign against HIV and AIDS. As you are certainly aware this epidemic has killed thousands of our fellow citizens. It is the duty of every citizen to join in the war against HIV and AIDS. I thank you.
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening!
1. I am pleased to have been invited to speak at this important function that honours men and women who have contributed immensely to the development of Botswana. Your company is a key player in the development of this country and it is, therefore, an honour to be associated with such an economic giant.
2. This occasion is a bittersweet one because we are honouring your dedication and contribution to Debswana and at the same time bidding you farewell as you leave the company. Bagaetsho, retirement is a time to look back with satisfaction and ahead with anticipation. It offers you the opportunity to reflect and manage your own time. It is also a challenge to survive without formal employment. But depending on what you are going to do, you might find that you are busier than when you were working.
3. I'm talking from experience because when I retired in April this year I expected to disappear and live a quieter and more relaxed life but, alas! the contrary is the case. I am just as busy in retirement as I was in office, the difference being that I am no longer in charge of the country. The same will apply to many of you as you leave the confines of Debswana. Some of you will retire into farming and others venture into business, but whatever your decision, let it be dignified and progressive.
4. Do not fade into oblivion but use the knowledge, skills and experience you acquired during your productive years with Debswana to contribute to the development of your communities. You should volunteer your services to Village Development Committees and other community-based organisations.
5. Tonight you are celebrating the culmination of a career that has helped Botswana prosper, and you should be proud of that. The diamonds that you produced over the years did not only earn you a salary but paid for educating the whole nation, for the development of infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, clinics, and schools, to mention a few. Your diamonds have transformed Botswana from a dusty poor country into a modern middle-income economy.
6. Orapa and Letlhakane mines have a progressive initiative called Diamonds for Development Awareness aimed at protecting Botswana diamonds by raising awareness about the dangers of illicit diamonds trade. I urge you to continue supporting this campaign by educating your communities about the importance of Botswana's diamonds for development.
7. Bagaetsho, I trust that you have been preparing for this day during your years of service by investing part of your money into pension and other investment schemes. I am informed that Debswana takes care of its employees and that guarantees you to either leave with a pension or sizeable gratuity.
8. Whatever you are entitled to, the challenge is to invest some of the money for a rainy day. These are dividends of your years of service which need to be handled gingerly like a basket of eggs. You will never receive such a large sum of money again unless you win lotto.
9. We have seen instances of people who have served diligently but only to become destitute on retirement because they failed to invest their benefits properly. We do not want that to happen to you but that it could only be avoided if you invest your money wisely. In fact, we are supposed to start preparing for our retirement the first day we start work and not when we are about to go.
10. The Government has introduced a number of initiatives to encourage Batswana participate in the diversification of the economy away from minerals. This offers you an investment avenue to consider. You are better placed to know that diamonds are not forever. We have to diversify our economy to sustain economic development.
11. I urge you to explore business or investment opportunities that could assist in economic diversification and employment creation. We implore people such yourself to actively participate in the development of the private sector as investors. It is through the private sector that our dream of economic diversification could be realised.
12. In conclusion, let me commend Debswana management and employees for your contribution to the development of this country. It is because of your dedication, commitment and good corporate governance that Botswana's culture of prudent resource management is regarded highly throughout the world. We have been invited to other countries to share our experience of successful resource management.
13. I was proud to share with the world our Diamonds for Development story and pledge to do so whenever an opportunity arises. As you leave your company I appeal to you to join your communities in the campaign against HIV and AIDS. As you are certainly aware this epidemic has killed thousands of our fellow citizens. It is the duty of every citizen to join in the war against HIV and AIDS. I thank you.
Remarks by H.H.the Vice President Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe, MP on the Launch of the Football and Volleyball Te Ba Bona Ha Programmes
source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning
1. Let me thank the Botswana National Sports Council for giving me this opportunity to launch the Re Ba Bona Ha programme for Volleyball and Football in this beautiful village of Mahalapye. That the programme is being launched in Mahalapye can only be a matter of great honour, privilege and personal delight to me.
2. I am told that this is the 16th launch following others that have been done elsewhere in this country, with the most recent being Kasane in the past week. On behalf of the Mahalapye community and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to thank the Botswana National Sports Council and of course its affiliates namely; the Botswana Football Association and the Botswana Volleyball Federation for finally delivering this programme to our area.
3. Our promise as the people of Mahalapye is that this programme will be fully utilized to achieve its intended objectives. As parents we should recognize the vital importance of sport in the development of a child and therefore be prepared to release our children every weekend for participation in this programme. The development value of this programme cannot and should not be underestimated.
4. Director of Ceremonies, success in sport, just like in any other area of life does not come by accident. It is a product of hard work and commitment over a period of time.
5. Over the years our leaders, past and present, have worked tirelessly and selflessly to make this country the success that it is today. In their own small way, each one of them contributed to the development of Sport in this country through delivery of modern sporting infrastructure and facilities. Their dream, I believe was, and indeed still is, to turn Botswana into a winning nation. That dream still leaves on.
6. The challenge for us is to make that dream a reality that it should be. I have all the reasons to believe that the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture provides the required institutional framework and support to enable us to pursue our dream - a dream of making Botswana a nation of winners.
7. It should still be fresh in our minds that His Excellency Lt. General Seretse Khama Ian Khama spoke about the 4Ds of Development, Democracy, Dignity and Discipline when he outlined his road map to the nation on April 1, 2008. If only we could embrace the 4Ds as a philosophical framework in our search for a respectable place in the world map of sport, certainly our success would be assured.
8. We all need to renew our resolve and commitment to deliver higher standards in the development of sport in this country. One way of doing so is to concentrate on grassroots development to tap and nurture the potential of our young people.
9. Kana gatwe lore lo ojwa lo sa le metsi. That is what Re Ba Bona Ha is about. This programme, if well executed and managed should lay a solid foundation for the future. I am encouraged to note that as you rollout this programme to the rest of the country, other development initiatives by the various BNSC affiliates are retained to ensure complementarity between respective programmes.
10. Bagaetsho, you will no doubt agree that as the programme grows, so do the challenges. In recognition of this, the Botswana National Sports Council has taken a deliberate decision to appoint a dedicated officer to oversee proper implementation of this programme. I congratulate the Council for this move for it would assist in facilitating interventions that may be needed from time to time to ensure optimum returns from the programme.
11. Director of Ceremonies, sports mean a lot to our lives. Sport improves health; it transcends political, racial and cultural differences and barriers; it brings about peace; it creates friends and in some cases families, it keeps our children away from the social ills of this world. Most of all, sport brings about unity and pride to the nation and this is in keeping with our National Vision 2016. That is why we must do all in our power to mobilize resources for sport development in this country.
12. I would also encourage those in our sporting fraternity to consider innovative ways of using the limited resources that Government allocates to sports. It is also important for our sports associations to work in partnership towards a common end - and that is making sure that Botswana does not become a perennial loser in both regional and international games.
13. I am therefore heartened to learn that the Botswana National Sports Council and the Botswana National Olympic Committee have agreed on a date for their first bilateral meeting in two years. That is what we need if we are to break the jinx and make a mark at the Olympics, Africa Cup of Nations and the World Cup games.
14. Bagaetsho, before I conclude, let me thank all members of the business sector who have been partners with the Botswana National Sports Council in driving this programme. I particularly wish to commend Barclays Bank of Botswana and Metropolitan Life who have contributed immensely to this programme. It is my hope that more private sector players will emulate the exemplary contributions of Barclays Bank and Metropolitan Life. I urge them not to hesitate, because sport in this country needs their benevolence.
15. It is now my singular honour and privilege to declare this Mahalapye Re Ba Bona Ha programmes in Football and Volleyball officially launched. I thank you. PULA!
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning
1. Let me thank the Botswana National Sports Council for giving me this opportunity to launch the Re Ba Bona Ha programme for Volleyball and Football in this beautiful village of Mahalapye. That the programme is being launched in Mahalapye can only be a matter of great honour, privilege and personal delight to me.
2. I am told that this is the 16th launch following others that have been done elsewhere in this country, with the most recent being Kasane in the past week. On behalf of the Mahalapye community and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to thank the Botswana National Sports Council and of course its affiliates namely; the Botswana Football Association and the Botswana Volleyball Federation for finally delivering this programme to our area.
3. Our promise as the people of Mahalapye is that this programme will be fully utilized to achieve its intended objectives. As parents we should recognize the vital importance of sport in the development of a child and therefore be prepared to release our children every weekend for participation in this programme. The development value of this programme cannot and should not be underestimated.
4. Director of Ceremonies, success in sport, just like in any other area of life does not come by accident. It is a product of hard work and commitment over a period of time.
5. Over the years our leaders, past and present, have worked tirelessly and selflessly to make this country the success that it is today. In their own small way, each one of them contributed to the development of Sport in this country through delivery of modern sporting infrastructure and facilities. Their dream, I believe was, and indeed still is, to turn Botswana into a winning nation. That dream still leaves on.
6. The challenge for us is to make that dream a reality that it should be. I have all the reasons to believe that the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture provides the required institutional framework and support to enable us to pursue our dream - a dream of making Botswana a nation of winners.
7. It should still be fresh in our minds that His Excellency Lt. General Seretse Khama Ian Khama spoke about the 4Ds of Development, Democracy, Dignity and Discipline when he outlined his road map to the nation on April 1, 2008. If only we could embrace the 4Ds as a philosophical framework in our search for a respectable place in the world map of sport, certainly our success would be assured.
8. We all need to renew our resolve and commitment to deliver higher standards in the development of sport in this country. One way of doing so is to concentrate on grassroots development to tap and nurture the potential of our young people.
9. Kana gatwe lore lo ojwa lo sa le metsi. That is what Re Ba Bona Ha is about. This programme, if well executed and managed should lay a solid foundation for the future. I am encouraged to note that as you rollout this programme to the rest of the country, other development initiatives by the various BNSC affiliates are retained to ensure complementarity between respective programmes.
10. Bagaetsho, you will no doubt agree that as the programme grows, so do the challenges. In recognition of this, the Botswana National Sports Council has taken a deliberate decision to appoint a dedicated officer to oversee proper implementation of this programme. I congratulate the Council for this move for it would assist in facilitating interventions that may be needed from time to time to ensure optimum returns from the programme.
11. Director of Ceremonies, sports mean a lot to our lives. Sport improves health; it transcends political, racial and cultural differences and barriers; it brings about peace; it creates friends and in some cases families, it keeps our children away from the social ills of this world. Most of all, sport brings about unity and pride to the nation and this is in keeping with our National Vision 2016. That is why we must do all in our power to mobilize resources for sport development in this country.
12. I would also encourage those in our sporting fraternity to consider innovative ways of using the limited resources that Government allocates to sports. It is also important for our sports associations to work in partnership towards a common end - and that is making sure that Botswana does not become a perennial loser in both regional and international games.
13. I am therefore heartened to learn that the Botswana National Sports Council and the Botswana National Olympic Committee have agreed on a date for their first bilateral meeting in two years. That is what we need if we are to break the jinx and make a mark at the Olympics, Africa Cup of Nations and the World Cup games.
14. Bagaetsho, before I conclude, let me thank all members of the business sector who have been partners with the Botswana National Sports Council in driving this programme. I particularly wish to commend Barclays Bank of Botswana and Metropolitan Life who have contributed immensely to this programme. It is my hope that more private sector players will emulate the exemplary contributions of Barclays Bank and Metropolitan Life. I urge them not to hesitate, because sport in this country needs their benevolence.
15. It is now my singular honour and privilege to declare this Mahalapye Re Ba Bona Ha programmes in Football and Volleyball officially launched. I thank you. PULA!
Remarks by His Honour the Vice President, Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe, MP, on the Official Openning of the Palapye Branch of Stanbic Bank
source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. Allow me at the onset to express my gratitude to the Managing Director of Stanbic Bank and his team for inviting me to officially open this Palapye Branch of Stanbic Bank. I am informed that the Palapye Branch will now be one of the seven in the country.
2. We all know that Stanbic Bank is a relatively new comer to Botswana having opened the first operation in 1992. However, with operations in 18 African countries and 20 in the rest of the world, it is not by any measure a small financial institution.
3. The Standard Bank Group of South Africa of which Stanbic Bank is a member, is a very well respected financial group. The spread of this bank's operations in Botswana is very welcome because this is in line with the strategy of Government to promote economic diversification through growth in sectors other than mining.
4. As you all know the financial services sector, which is critical to any economy, is one of those that have been specifically targeted in our diversification efforts. Financial institutions such as banks not only manage people's money and give credit; they also bring employment and empowerment opportunities to our citizens.
5. I am glad to note that Stanbic Bank understands the need to invest in its employees because without a properly trained workforce you cannot hope to achieve the discipline and efficiency that the customers expect. Needless to say that the discipline and efficiency in our banking sector is very crucial if we are to win the confidence of customers and investors, both local and international.
6. In talking about discipline and efficiency I am reminded of the recent international financial crisis. I believe Stanbic Bank and other local financial institutions are drawing some good lessons from this experience. It is indeed during times like these that we in Africa can count on our indigenous financial institutions such as Stanbic to provide the required leadership and ensure that the continent not only survives the crisis but most importantly comes up with strategies to mitigate the impact.
7. Financial skills are critical in any modern economy. I am in this regard confident that you will continue and grow the bank's graduate development programme in order to increase the number of people with financial skills which are badly needed in our economy.
8. Ladies and Gentlemen, Government has been as concerned as the private sector at the high levels of criminal activity in this country. We all know that banks have not been spared by this problem. You can rest assured, however, that this Government will continue to work hard to beef up the numbers as well as to improve the visibility and responsiveness of our police and other law enforcement agencies in an endeavour to curb the problem.
9. We are expecting some positive results in turning the situation around but it is clear that a lot still needs to be done. Crime prevention as you know can only succeed if the banks, police, your customers and the community you operate in work together to tackle the problem.
10. I am aware that banks are now investing a lot to beef up security not just to prevent robberies, but also to eliminate cases of fraud, money laundering and even theft by your employees. It is important that as you continue to grow and expand you strengthen your security measures in order to deal effectively with both internal and external security threats.
11. The other area where I would like to commend Stanbic Bank for their involvement in is that of Corporate Social Responsibility. Your regular support for the activities of SOS Children Villages, Childline and Junior Achievement Botswana is very much in line with our Vision 2016 aspirations for a Compassionate and Caring Nation. No doubt this is very much in keeping with the national desire to prepare our young people for a future full of promise and dignity.
12. I would like to commend you for these important contributions. I am also aware that you have already begun to support sport development, and in particular football, and want to thank you for diversifying your corporate social responsibility portfolio into this critical area.
13. As I said at a recent Africa Regional Congress on Sports held at the University of Botswana, sport is now an industry that on its own contributes to the social and economic development of many countries. It can do the same for our country if it is given support, especially by the private sector.
14. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I am heartened at the level of commitment of Stanbic Bank to the empowerment of Batswana. This is due to the fact that in spite of being a relatively new player in Botswana's banking industry; Stanbic Bank is now one of the only two banks that have localised the position of Managing Director. Let me once again congratulate the new Managing Director, Mr. Leina Gabaraane. I have no doubt that he will be equal to the task and prove to be a good pioneer.
15. With these remarks, it is now my pleasure to declare the Stanbic Bank Palapye Branch officially open. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in drinking a toast to the success of Stanbic Bank Palapye Branch and indeed Stanbic Botswana. Thank you for the courtesy of your attention. PULA!
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. Allow me at the onset to express my gratitude to the Managing Director of Stanbic Bank and his team for inviting me to officially open this Palapye Branch of Stanbic Bank. I am informed that the Palapye Branch will now be one of the seven in the country.
2. We all know that Stanbic Bank is a relatively new comer to Botswana having opened the first operation in 1992. However, with operations in 18 African countries and 20 in the rest of the world, it is not by any measure a small financial institution.
3. The Standard Bank Group of South Africa of which Stanbic Bank is a member, is a very well respected financial group. The spread of this bank's operations in Botswana is very welcome because this is in line with the strategy of Government to promote economic diversification through growth in sectors other than mining.
4. As you all know the financial services sector, which is critical to any economy, is one of those that have been specifically targeted in our diversification efforts. Financial institutions such as banks not only manage people's money and give credit; they also bring employment and empowerment opportunities to our citizens.
5. I am glad to note that Stanbic Bank understands the need to invest in its employees because without a properly trained workforce you cannot hope to achieve the discipline and efficiency that the customers expect. Needless to say that the discipline and efficiency in our banking sector is very crucial if we are to win the confidence of customers and investors, both local and international.
6. In talking about discipline and efficiency I am reminded of the recent international financial crisis. I believe Stanbic Bank and other local financial institutions are drawing some good lessons from this experience. It is indeed during times like these that we in Africa can count on our indigenous financial institutions such as Stanbic to provide the required leadership and ensure that the continent not only survives the crisis but most importantly comes up with strategies to mitigate the impact.
7. Financial skills are critical in any modern economy. I am in this regard confident that you will continue and grow the bank's graduate development programme in order to increase the number of people with financial skills which are badly needed in our economy.
8. Ladies and Gentlemen, Government has been as concerned as the private sector at the high levels of criminal activity in this country. We all know that banks have not been spared by this problem. You can rest assured, however, that this Government will continue to work hard to beef up the numbers as well as to improve the visibility and responsiveness of our police and other law enforcement agencies in an endeavour to curb the problem.
9. We are expecting some positive results in turning the situation around but it is clear that a lot still needs to be done. Crime prevention as you know can only succeed if the banks, police, your customers and the community you operate in work together to tackle the problem.
10. I am aware that banks are now investing a lot to beef up security not just to prevent robberies, but also to eliminate cases of fraud, money laundering and even theft by your employees. It is important that as you continue to grow and expand you strengthen your security measures in order to deal effectively with both internal and external security threats.
11. The other area where I would like to commend Stanbic Bank for their involvement in is that of Corporate Social Responsibility. Your regular support for the activities of SOS Children Villages, Childline and Junior Achievement Botswana is very much in line with our Vision 2016 aspirations for a Compassionate and Caring Nation. No doubt this is very much in keeping with the national desire to prepare our young people for a future full of promise and dignity.
12. I would like to commend you for these important contributions. I am also aware that you have already begun to support sport development, and in particular football, and want to thank you for diversifying your corporate social responsibility portfolio into this critical area.
13. As I said at a recent Africa Regional Congress on Sports held at the University of Botswana, sport is now an industry that on its own contributes to the social and economic development of many countries. It can do the same for our country if it is given support, especially by the private sector.
14. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I am heartened at the level of commitment of Stanbic Bank to the empowerment of Batswana. This is due to the fact that in spite of being a relatively new player in Botswana's banking industry; Stanbic Bank is now one of the only two banks that have localised the position of Managing Director. Let me once again congratulate the new Managing Director, Mr. Leina Gabaraane. I have no doubt that he will be equal to the task and prove to be a good pioneer.
15. With these remarks, it is now my pleasure to declare the Stanbic Bank Palapye Branch officially open. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in drinking a toast to the success of Stanbic Bank Palapye Branch and indeed Stanbic Botswana. Thank you for the courtesy of your attention. PULA!
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on developments in Zimbabwe
source: Republic of Botswana (25/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 33 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on developments in Zimbabwe
The Government of the Republic of Botswana expresses its disappointment at the continuing failure by the political parties in Zimbabwe to agree on the power-sharing arrangements that would facilitate the formation of a Government in that country. This failure which is a result of one party seeking to dominate power, cannot be allowed to go on unchallenged. Botswana notes with regret that the Prime Minister Designate and MDC Leader Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai has not been issued with a passport to facilitate his foreign travel. This is unfortunate, totally unacceptable and an indication of bad faith.
Botswana is of the view that should the present deadlock continue without resolution, the only viable solution to the political impasse is for the people of Zimbabwe as enshrined in a truly democratic dispensation to be the ones to decide who their true leaders should be. In this regard the only way forward is a re-run of the Presidential election under international supervision in order to avoid a repetition of the violence and political intimidation that characterized the failed 27 June, 2008 Presidential run-off election.
His Excellency the President, Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama has, to this end, written suggesting this approach to the Chair of SADC, HE Kgalema Motlanthe, President of the Republic of South Africa, Chair of the AU, HE Jakaya M. Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Secretary General of the United Nations, HE Mr. Ban Ki Moon, calling for their urgent intervention to save the situation in Zimbabwe.
It should be understood that Botswana's position is informed by the fact that we wish for the people of Zimbabwe what we wish for ourselves. Further deterioration of the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe threatens regional peace, stability and economic development and can only increase the current suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on developments in Zimbabwe
The Government of the Republic of Botswana expresses its disappointment at the continuing failure by the political parties in Zimbabwe to agree on the power-sharing arrangements that would facilitate the formation of a Government in that country. This failure which is a result of one party seeking to dominate power, cannot be allowed to go on unchallenged. Botswana notes with regret that the Prime Minister Designate and MDC Leader Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai has not been issued with a passport to facilitate his foreign travel. This is unfortunate, totally unacceptable and an indication of bad faith.
Botswana is of the view that should the present deadlock continue without resolution, the only viable solution to the political impasse is for the people of Zimbabwe as enshrined in a truly democratic dispensation to be the ones to decide who their true leaders should be. In this regard the only way forward is a re-run of the Presidential election under international supervision in order to avoid a repetition of the violence and political intimidation that characterized the failed 27 June, 2008 Presidential run-off election.
His Excellency the President, Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama has, to this end, written suggesting this approach to the Chair of SADC, HE Kgalema Motlanthe, President of the Republic of South Africa, Chair of the AU, HE Jakaya M. Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Secretary General of the United Nations, HE Mr. Ban Ki Moon, calling for their urgent intervention to save the situation in Zimbabwe.
It should be understood that Botswana's position is informed by the fact that we wish for the people of Zimbabwe what we wish for ourselves. Further deterioration of the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe threatens regional peace, stability and economic development and can only increase the current suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Remarks by His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana, at the Official Openning of Francistown VTC
source: Republic of Botswana (11/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 31 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen
1. I am honoured to be invited to perform the official opening of this state-of-the-art dual purpose college. Nothing could be more gratifying than to open an institution that will open its doors to many young people and provide them with the opportunity to acquire skills that are critical for active participation in their country's ongoing socio-economic transformation.
2. The idea of constructing a masterpiece institution, like the one being opened today, was conceived some years ago, and owing to the commitment to accelerating the country's human resource development, the dream of a dual technical and vocational institution has been realized.
3. This college was established mainly to provide Botswana Technical Education Programme (BTEP) qualifications at Advanced Certificate and Diploma levels, thus producing graduates who are flexible and adequately equipped with diagnostic and research skills. The graduates from this college could; if they choose to further their studies, proceed to the Botswana International University of Science and Technology which is expected to open in 2011.
4. We have, for the first time in Botswana, a tertiary level education facility where technical and vocational qualifications and teacher education are provided under the same roof. This arrangement is expected to reduce the cost of teacher education. It is anticipated that once the college is running at full capacity, the majority of teaching practice will be done in-house; thus greatly reducing travelling and other costs associated with assessment of candidates by lecturers.
5. It is a gratifying to open an institution of this magnitude and stature, an institute that is poised to transform not only the education and training landscape, but also the country's readiness for innovation and industrialization. The college is a strategic tool for diversifying the skills development initiatives. Diversification of human resources development is a major challenge for the training and education sector because of rapid economic growth, globalization and rising international competition. In an effort to address this challenge, Botswana has adopted a multi-faceted approach which includes strategies aimed at producing an all-rounded, multi-skilled individual who is ready for diverse opportunities.
6. The college has good facilities and equipment that provide students with the opportunity to do experiments and practicals that simulate industry. My expectation, therefore, is that the graduates would be of such high quality that they would need minimum orientation if they choose to be employed vis-Ã -vis self-employment. The private sector and industry should therefore consider them very suitable for employment. They will be a valuable source to recruit professionals from.
7. This state-of-art college was realized because of the strong partnership between the European Union and the Government of Botswana. It is, therefore, my pleasure to take this opportunity, on behalf of my government and people of Botswana, to express our sincere gratitude to the European Commission and Member States of the European Union for their generous gesture of support and goodwill. The support, extended to Batswana through funding of the project will go a long way in consolidating our efforts towards achievement of sustainable citizen economic empowerment.
8. Perhaps I need to indicate the magnitude of the costs involved in constructing this facility so that you can appreciate why we are so excited about the achievement of this project. The total cost of the project was P277.7 Million. The EU contributed approximately 75% of this amount.
9. The Government of Botswana is dedicated to providing high quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training, increasing access to this type of education and ensuring that the programmes offered are relevant to the need of the industry. As far as access is concerned, the Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education has a student sitting capacity of 1500, which can be increased to 2500 students through flexible delivery modes.
10. I wish to impress upon the administration and the staff to ensure that this college is a Centre of Excellence as its physical appearance implies. I therefore call upon staff members and students alike to take care of this facility and all the equipment therein. Government has done its part in providing such a magnificent infrastructure that is complimented by state of the art equipment.
11. One of our Vision 2016 pillars is to be a "Moral and Tolerant nation". Hence, it is critical to impart knowledge, skills and right attitudes to students. It is my conviction that once we equip our youth with the right life skills, they will be in a position to put such to proper use and assist themselves and one another, to disengage from social ills; including alcohol and drug abuse. You all have the capacity to live a life of meaning if you strive to find your purpose. You needed to be focused to get where you are today. And please keep focused, because the difference between success and failure is quite often, loss of focus.
12. Lastly, I wish to thank every government department and all other stakeholders who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this magnificent institution rises above the ground and stands ready for use by all those aspiring to reach their full potential and make a difference.
13. On that note, let me take this opportunity to declare the new Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education officially open and wish all a fun-filled day as you tour the various college facilities and interact with staff and students. PULA!
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen
1. I am honoured to be invited to perform the official opening of this state-of-the-art dual purpose college. Nothing could be more gratifying than to open an institution that will open its doors to many young people and provide them with the opportunity to acquire skills that are critical for active participation in their country's ongoing socio-economic transformation.
2. The idea of constructing a masterpiece institution, like the one being opened today, was conceived some years ago, and owing to the commitment to accelerating the country's human resource development, the dream of a dual technical and vocational institution has been realized.
3. This college was established mainly to provide Botswana Technical Education Programme (BTEP) qualifications at Advanced Certificate and Diploma levels, thus producing graduates who are flexible and adequately equipped with diagnostic and research skills. The graduates from this college could; if they choose to further their studies, proceed to the Botswana International University of Science and Technology which is expected to open in 2011.
4. We have, for the first time in Botswana, a tertiary level education facility where technical and vocational qualifications and teacher education are provided under the same roof. This arrangement is expected to reduce the cost of teacher education. It is anticipated that once the college is running at full capacity, the majority of teaching practice will be done in-house; thus greatly reducing travelling and other costs associated with assessment of candidates by lecturers.
5. It is a gratifying to open an institution of this magnitude and stature, an institute that is poised to transform not only the education and training landscape, but also the country's readiness for innovation and industrialization. The college is a strategic tool for diversifying the skills development initiatives. Diversification of human resources development is a major challenge for the training and education sector because of rapid economic growth, globalization and rising international competition. In an effort to address this challenge, Botswana has adopted a multi-faceted approach which includes strategies aimed at producing an all-rounded, multi-skilled individual who is ready for diverse opportunities.
6. The college has good facilities and equipment that provide students with the opportunity to do experiments and practicals that simulate industry. My expectation, therefore, is that the graduates would be of such high quality that they would need minimum orientation if they choose to be employed vis-Ã -vis self-employment. The private sector and industry should therefore consider them very suitable for employment. They will be a valuable source to recruit professionals from.
7. This state-of-art college was realized because of the strong partnership between the European Union and the Government of Botswana. It is, therefore, my pleasure to take this opportunity, on behalf of my government and people of Botswana, to express our sincere gratitude to the European Commission and Member States of the European Union for their generous gesture of support and goodwill. The support, extended to Batswana through funding of the project will go a long way in consolidating our efforts towards achievement of sustainable citizen economic empowerment.
8. Perhaps I need to indicate the magnitude of the costs involved in constructing this facility so that you can appreciate why we are so excited about the achievement of this project. The total cost of the project was P277.7 Million. The EU contributed approximately 75% of this amount.
9. The Government of Botswana is dedicated to providing high quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training, increasing access to this type of education and ensuring that the programmes offered are relevant to the need of the industry. As far as access is concerned, the Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education has a student sitting capacity of 1500, which can be increased to 2500 students through flexible delivery modes.
10. I wish to impress upon the administration and the staff to ensure that this college is a Centre of Excellence as its physical appearance implies. I therefore call upon staff members and students alike to take care of this facility and all the equipment therein. Government has done its part in providing such a magnificent infrastructure that is complimented by state of the art equipment.
11. One of our Vision 2016 pillars is to be a "Moral and Tolerant nation". Hence, it is critical to impart knowledge, skills and right attitudes to students. It is my conviction that once we equip our youth with the right life skills, they will be in a position to put such to proper use and assist themselves and one another, to disengage from social ills; including alcohol and drug abuse. You all have the capacity to live a life of meaning if you strive to find your purpose. You needed to be focused to get where you are today. And please keep focused, because the difference between success and failure is quite often, loss of focus.
12. Lastly, I wish to thank every government department and all other stakeholders who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this magnificent institution rises above the ground and stands ready for use by all those aspiring to reach their full potential and make a difference.
13. On that note, let me take this opportunity to declare the new Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education officially open and wish all a fun-filled day as you tour the various college facilities and interact with staff and students. PULA!
Remarks by His Honour The Vice President Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe, MP, on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Letshego Micro Provident Botswana
source: Republic of Botswana (11/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 31 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. Good evening. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to the Chairman of the Letshego Board Mr. Lekaukau and his team for the invitation to be with you at this the 10th Anniversary Commemoration of Letshego. To them I say an event like this one is not only a moment for celebration, but for reflection and indeed inspiration to all those who are involved in the success that is Letshego.
2. I trust that as you celebrate your achievements, reflect on your past and contemplate the future, you will put customers at the centre of that discourse. After all, it is customers who ultimately determine the viability and success or otherwise of any business entity.
3. Needless to say that for any business to prosper, it has to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and expectations of its clientele. In this respect, I am convinced that this 10th Anniversary Commemoration attests to Letshego's clear commitment in that direction.
4. Director of Ceremonies, the financial system in Botswana has been growing impressively in the last ten years keeping pace with, and in some cases contributing quite significantly to the country's economic growth and development. This is a result of, and in line with, Government's development plans and strategies to diversify the economy away from dependence on mineral resources to other sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and indeed financial services.
5. It is important to note that the expansion of the financial services also entails growth in the micro lending sector. As a result this has enabled a large number of households that were traditionally excluded from the formal financial system, to have access to credit, in the form of personal loans.
6. In other words, micro lending has to a large measure empowered many of our people who were hitherto marginalized; it has given them the opportunity to fight poverty and face the future with confidence. It is therefore only proper to commend Letshego and other responsible micro-lenders for the important role they are playing in ensuring that many of our people have access to the much needed micro-credit to alleviate poverty and better the human condition in general.
7. You may wish to know that there is now a growing international consensus that credit is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary tool to fight hunger and poverty. In December 1998 the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 53/197 proclaimed 2005 the International Year of Microcredit.
8. Through the resolution the UN Assembly urged all those involved in the fight against poverty to take additional steps to make credit and other related services for self-employment and income generation available to an increasing number of people living in poverty, particularly women.
9. To buttress the UN's commitment, the Group of 8 countries has in various ways supported and recognized the importance of microcredit and finance as vital tools for fighting poverty and implementing the Millennium Development Goals. It was in clear recognition of the vital importance of micro-credit that in 2006 the Nobel Committee awarded Professor Muhammad Yunus of Sri Lanka and his Grameen Bank a Nobel Prize for what they called "creating economic and social development from below".
10. Since 1983, Professor Yunus and Grameen Bank helped the poor in Sri Lanka escape poverty by providing loan on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so that they could help themselves.
11. Ladies and Gentlemen, the moral of Yunus 2006 Nobel Prize is clear and compelling. The objective of micro-lending should not be indiscriminate generation of profit, by hook or crook.
12. It must, as of necessity, be geared towards contributing to the development of the country and thereby improving the living standards of many of our people, including the needy. This means that micro-lending institutions should have the welfare as well as empowerment of their clients and communities in which they operate as an integral part of their strategies and operations.
13. The logic is simple: you cannot hope to sustain the profitability of your business ventures in an environment that is fraught with poverty, hunger, ignorance and social despondency.
14. While the Government of Botswana encourages consumer lending businesses, we are equally concerned at the mushrooming of the money lending companies, commonly known as Bo-Machonisa, that have decided to ignore all business ethics in their quest to make profit. These are unscrupulous money lenders who care very little about the welfare of their clients, let alone the law of the land. We have heard of incredible stories where people's identity cards, bo-Omang, and bank cards are taken away by these entities as some form of security.
15. Ironically, when the visionary Professor Yunus and his Grameen Bank impart the required financial management skills to their clients and compatriots, nearer home our very own micro-lenders, quite inconceivably, are busy collecting people's ATM and identity cards ostensibly to ensure compliance.
16. Worse still, some of these micro-lenders charge exorbitant interest rates that leave most of their clients in precarious financial position. This is unacceptable.
17. That is why in December 2006 Parliament passed the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority Act to regulate and supervise non-bank financial institutions in order to ensure the following:
* Safety and soundness of non-bank financial institutions;
* Highest standards of conduct of business by non-bank financial institutions;
* Fairness, efficiency and orderliness of the non-bank financial sector;
* Stability of the financial system and reduction as well as deterrence of financial crime.
18. It is our hope and expectation that the Non Banking Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority will provide the required oversight and give the micro-lending sector order and positive direction.
19. Ladies and gentlemen, as I said earlier, this Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of Letshego should also be a cause for celebration for a journey well travelled.
20. Of course the question is: What are these achievements that we are talking about? I am informed that the majority of loans by Letshego clients are mainly for expenditures incurred on purchase of residential plots, construction, alteration of residential houses; purchase of durable households assets, among others.
21. I am further advised that Letshego's loans have been extended for expenditures on medical treatment, education, as well as marriage ceremonies. Given the foregoing, I hope you will agree with me that all of us here tonight have a good cause to appreciate the service that Letshego is rendering to many of our people.
22. Some how, they have been able to overcome the major challenges facing commercial banks in extending services to large numbers of low income earners which involve, among others, relatively high maintenance costs for such accounts. That notwithstanding, I am aware that some of the local banks have started focusing on this so-called the unbankable segment of our population. This is commendable.
23. The facilitation of access to finance for ordinary citizens, who 10 years ago had very limited options as they were labelled high risk by some commercial banks, has empowered many of our people and in some instances given them necessary tools for self-employment and productivity. That is how it should be.
24. Yes, it is true the utility of micro-lending depends on how much people spend those finances on productive and meaningful enterprises. Therefore any propensity to spend loans on ostentatious lifestyles will inevitably land our people in an endless debt trap and a future full of want, desperation and despair. In this context I want to encourage Letshego, other consumer lenders and micro-credit agencies, including the rest of the financial services fraternity in this country that as they grow and consolidate their business gains, they should design programmes that will pass knowledge to their clients about financial discipline and prudence as well as how to invest and wisely use credit. I believe that is in your best interests, because in the final analysis you will have a disciplined, reliable and empowered clientele that is well positioned to pay back their loans without unnecessary delays or difficulties.
25. Of course, without being cynical, it is much better than collecting ATM and National Identity Cards!
26. Director of Ceremonies, I have noted with keen interest how all of our financial institutions have worked hard in the last ten years to improve their credentials, quality of service and overall performance. For instance, I heard recently of a case where someone wanted a small emergency loan and one established bank proposed three days to complete the procedures while Letshego did it in a day.
27. I also understand that Letshego is consolidating its brand presence across its operations in the region. I hope that the brand consolidation will bring with it the promise of a renewed focus for the business and its customers. Our financial institutions must be about efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism.
28. Indeed as Government our efforts to attract foreign direct investment and diversify the economy will to a great extent be enhanced by an efficient banking sector that is not encumbered by long and tedious procedures that frustrate customers. We all agree that efficient service delivery leads to customer satisfaction.
29. Satisfied customers mean good business for any organisation. The confidence of a customer has to be won, retained and constantly renewed for the betterment of the organization. I am confident that as Letshego steps into the next decade, innovation and quality service will underpin its vision and mission in this regard.
30. Ladies and Gentlemen, Government will continue to work hard through supportive legislation and other measures necessary to strengthen the financial services sector in this country. We are fully convinced that this sector has tremendous potential to contribute significantly to the growth of our national economy and, most importantly, enhance Government economic diversification efforts. That is why we have taken up the challenge of promoting Botswana's attractiveness through the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC).
31. I am happy to learn that it was through accreditation to the IFSC that Letshego has reaped some benefits which made its expansion into the rest of Africa possible.
32. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to pay tribute to the recipients of the Letshego long service awards. I believe it is through their commitment and loyalty that we are here this evening to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Letshego.
33. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am informed that at a special general meeting of the company held yesterday, the shareholders approved the change of name of the company from Micro Provident Botswana Limited to Letshego Holdings Limited. It is therefore my pleasure to unveil the new name Letshego Holdings Limited which, hopefully, heralds a brighter future for the company for many more decades to come.
34. On that note, I now wish to invite the Chairman of Letshego, Mr. Lekaukau and the Group Managing Director and indeed everybody to join me in a toast to the success of Letshego, Management and Staff and wish them many, many returns today and in the future. I thank you for the courtesy of your attention.
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. Good evening. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to the Chairman of the Letshego Board Mr. Lekaukau and his team for the invitation to be with you at this the 10th Anniversary Commemoration of Letshego. To them I say an event like this one is not only a moment for celebration, but for reflection and indeed inspiration to all those who are involved in the success that is Letshego.
2. I trust that as you celebrate your achievements, reflect on your past and contemplate the future, you will put customers at the centre of that discourse. After all, it is customers who ultimately determine the viability and success or otherwise of any business entity.
3. Needless to say that for any business to prosper, it has to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and expectations of its clientele. In this respect, I am convinced that this 10th Anniversary Commemoration attests to Letshego's clear commitment in that direction.
4. Director of Ceremonies, the financial system in Botswana has been growing impressively in the last ten years keeping pace with, and in some cases contributing quite significantly to the country's economic growth and development. This is a result of, and in line with, Government's development plans and strategies to diversify the economy away from dependence on mineral resources to other sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and indeed financial services.
5. It is important to note that the expansion of the financial services also entails growth in the micro lending sector. As a result this has enabled a large number of households that were traditionally excluded from the formal financial system, to have access to credit, in the form of personal loans.
6. In other words, micro lending has to a large measure empowered many of our people who were hitherto marginalized; it has given them the opportunity to fight poverty and face the future with confidence. It is therefore only proper to commend Letshego and other responsible micro-lenders for the important role they are playing in ensuring that many of our people have access to the much needed micro-credit to alleviate poverty and better the human condition in general.
7. You may wish to know that there is now a growing international consensus that credit is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary tool to fight hunger and poverty. In December 1998 the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 53/197 proclaimed 2005 the International Year of Microcredit.
8. Through the resolution the UN Assembly urged all those involved in the fight against poverty to take additional steps to make credit and other related services for self-employment and income generation available to an increasing number of people living in poverty, particularly women.
9. To buttress the UN's commitment, the Group of 8 countries has in various ways supported and recognized the importance of microcredit and finance as vital tools for fighting poverty and implementing the Millennium Development Goals. It was in clear recognition of the vital importance of micro-credit that in 2006 the Nobel Committee awarded Professor Muhammad Yunus of Sri Lanka and his Grameen Bank a Nobel Prize for what they called "creating economic and social development from below".
10. Since 1983, Professor Yunus and Grameen Bank helped the poor in Sri Lanka escape poverty by providing loan on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so that they could help themselves.
11. Ladies and Gentlemen, the moral of Yunus 2006 Nobel Prize is clear and compelling. The objective of micro-lending should not be indiscriminate generation of profit, by hook or crook.
12. It must, as of necessity, be geared towards contributing to the development of the country and thereby improving the living standards of many of our people, including the needy. This means that micro-lending institutions should have the welfare as well as empowerment of their clients and communities in which they operate as an integral part of their strategies and operations.
13. The logic is simple: you cannot hope to sustain the profitability of your business ventures in an environment that is fraught with poverty, hunger, ignorance and social despondency.
14. While the Government of Botswana encourages consumer lending businesses, we are equally concerned at the mushrooming of the money lending companies, commonly known as Bo-Machonisa, that have decided to ignore all business ethics in their quest to make profit. These are unscrupulous money lenders who care very little about the welfare of their clients, let alone the law of the land. We have heard of incredible stories where people's identity cards, bo-Omang, and bank cards are taken away by these entities as some form of security.
15. Ironically, when the visionary Professor Yunus and his Grameen Bank impart the required financial management skills to their clients and compatriots, nearer home our very own micro-lenders, quite inconceivably, are busy collecting people's ATM and identity cards ostensibly to ensure compliance.
16. Worse still, some of these micro-lenders charge exorbitant interest rates that leave most of their clients in precarious financial position. This is unacceptable.
17. That is why in December 2006 Parliament passed the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority Act to regulate and supervise non-bank financial institutions in order to ensure the following:
* Safety and soundness of non-bank financial institutions;
* Highest standards of conduct of business by non-bank financial institutions;
* Fairness, efficiency and orderliness of the non-bank financial sector;
* Stability of the financial system and reduction as well as deterrence of financial crime.
18. It is our hope and expectation that the Non Banking Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority will provide the required oversight and give the micro-lending sector order and positive direction.
19. Ladies and gentlemen, as I said earlier, this Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of Letshego should also be a cause for celebration for a journey well travelled.
20. Of course the question is: What are these achievements that we are talking about? I am informed that the majority of loans by Letshego clients are mainly for expenditures incurred on purchase of residential plots, construction, alteration of residential houses; purchase of durable households assets, among others.
21. I am further advised that Letshego's loans have been extended for expenditures on medical treatment, education, as well as marriage ceremonies. Given the foregoing, I hope you will agree with me that all of us here tonight have a good cause to appreciate the service that Letshego is rendering to many of our people.
22. Some how, they have been able to overcome the major challenges facing commercial banks in extending services to large numbers of low income earners which involve, among others, relatively high maintenance costs for such accounts. That notwithstanding, I am aware that some of the local banks have started focusing on this so-called the unbankable segment of our population. This is commendable.
23. The facilitation of access to finance for ordinary citizens, who 10 years ago had very limited options as they were labelled high risk by some commercial banks, has empowered many of our people and in some instances given them necessary tools for self-employment and productivity. That is how it should be.
24. Yes, it is true the utility of micro-lending depends on how much people spend those finances on productive and meaningful enterprises. Therefore any propensity to spend loans on ostentatious lifestyles will inevitably land our people in an endless debt trap and a future full of want, desperation and despair. In this context I want to encourage Letshego, other consumer lenders and micro-credit agencies, including the rest of the financial services fraternity in this country that as they grow and consolidate their business gains, they should design programmes that will pass knowledge to their clients about financial discipline and prudence as well as how to invest and wisely use credit. I believe that is in your best interests, because in the final analysis you will have a disciplined, reliable and empowered clientele that is well positioned to pay back their loans without unnecessary delays or difficulties.
25. Of course, without being cynical, it is much better than collecting ATM and National Identity Cards!
26. Director of Ceremonies, I have noted with keen interest how all of our financial institutions have worked hard in the last ten years to improve their credentials, quality of service and overall performance. For instance, I heard recently of a case where someone wanted a small emergency loan and one established bank proposed three days to complete the procedures while Letshego did it in a day.
27. I also understand that Letshego is consolidating its brand presence across its operations in the region. I hope that the brand consolidation will bring with it the promise of a renewed focus for the business and its customers. Our financial institutions must be about efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism.
28. Indeed as Government our efforts to attract foreign direct investment and diversify the economy will to a great extent be enhanced by an efficient banking sector that is not encumbered by long and tedious procedures that frustrate customers. We all agree that efficient service delivery leads to customer satisfaction.
29. Satisfied customers mean good business for any organisation. The confidence of a customer has to be won, retained and constantly renewed for the betterment of the organization. I am confident that as Letshego steps into the next decade, innovation and quality service will underpin its vision and mission in this regard.
30. Ladies and Gentlemen, Government will continue to work hard through supportive legislation and other measures necessary to strengthen the financial services sector in this country. We are fully convinced that this sector has tremendous potential to contribute significantly to the growth of our national economy and, most importantly, enhance Government economic diversification efforts. That is why we have taken up the challenge of promoting Botswana's attractiveness through the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC).
31. I am happy to learn that it was through accreditation to the IFSC that Letshego has reaped some benefits which made its expansion into the rest of Africa possible.
32. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to pay tribute to the recipients of the Letshego long service awards. I believe it is through their commitment and loyalty that we are here this evening to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Letshego.
33. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am informed that at a special general meeting of the company held yesterday, the shareholders approved the change of name of the company from Micro Provident Botswana Limited to Letshego Holdings Limited. It is therefore my pleasure to unveil the new name Letshego Holdings Limited which, hopefully, heralds a brighter future for the company for many more decades to come.
34. On that note, I now wish to invite the Chairman of Letshego, Mr. Lekaukau and the Group Managing Director and indeed everybody to join me in a toast to the success of Letshego, Management and Staff and wish them many, many returns today and in the future. I thank you for the courtesy of your attention.
UPDATE: October public events involving H.H. the Vice President
source: Republic of Botswana (11/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 31 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
C8) 6/10/08: UPDATE: October public events involving H.H. the Vice President
Members of the Press are hereby advised of the following public event involving H.H. the Vice President during the month:
Tuesday (7/10/08): In the evening, from 1930 hours, H.H. the Vice President will attend a Cultural Event Co-Hosted by Australian High Commission & Aviva Corporation at the No. 1 Ladies Opera House. Among the performers at the event will be Catherine Lambert, a renowned Australian Jazz musician.
Thursday (9/10/08): In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a Kgotla Meeting at Bobonong village
Friday (10/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a Kgotla Meeting at Tonota village. This will be followed in the afternoon, 1400 hrs, by His Honour's participation in the handover of a house to a destitute family in the same village [B3].
On the same evening, @ 1800 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will be the Guest of Honour at the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of Letshego Micro Provident Fund, to be held at the GICC [B2].
Saturday (11/10/08): In the evening, from 1900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will give the Keynote Address at the Junior Chambers International (JCI) Dinner, to be held at the Mokala Lodge in Jwaneng. The dinner is called JCI Presidential Induction Dinner and is part of the proceedings of the JCI's National Conference, which is also being held in Jwaneng this year. For further details contact: Ms Ngwatshi Enyatseng, Executive Director (JCI Botswana) Tel: +267 3922218/73990401 Fax: +267 3180898 Cell: +267 74359495
Sunday (12/1008): In the afternoon, from 14:00 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will officiate at a BDP political rally to launch the Kweneng South Parliamentary and Council Candidates in Thamaga (Contact Party for further details)
Tuesday (14/10/08): In the evening, at 1930 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will attend a Reception hosted by the Cuban Embassy, at the GICC, on the occasion of the 10th Session of the Cuba-Botswana Joint Commission. His Honour will be Guest of Honour. A Ministerial delegation from Cuba headed by Cuban Deputy Minister for International Cooperation, the Hon. Ramon Ripolli, will also be in attendance. It is expected that Minister Ripolli, the Cuban Ambassador and His Honour will all deliver some remarks.
Wednesday (15/10/08): From 12:00 hrs H.H. the Vice President will tour the Exhibitions at Global Expo. In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will be Guest of Honour at the Opening Ceremony of 4th ICHPERSD Africa Regional Congress, to be held at the University of Botswana. The Congress, itself, will run from 14th until 18th October and is hosted by the UB Department of Physical Education, Health Education & Recreation. Contacts at UB: Professor Emmanuel Owolabi tel: 355 2575/ 3555219 e:mail: In the evening, from 1900 hrs, he will officiate at Global Expo Official Opening Dinner, at the GICC.
Thursday (16/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice-President will address a Kgotla Meeting in Ghantsi
Friday (17/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice-President will address a Kgotla Meeting in Charleshill.
Monday (20/10/08): In the afternoon, at 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will receive at his office a 6 member delegation of the People's Liberation Army of China led by Vice Admiral Sun Jianguo (Photo Opportunity only, we kindly request prior notice as space is limited)
Wednesday (22/10/08): In the evening, from 19:30 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will attend a reception for a visiting Swedish Trade Delegation at Plot 3125 President's Drive (Old Swedish Embassy Residence).
Thursday (23/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the vice President will address a Kgotla meeting in Palapye. In the evening, from 1900 hrs, he will officiate at the Opening of STANBIC Bank Branch in Palapye (Stanbic Bank can provide further details).
Friday (24/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a kgotla meeting at Lerala village
Saturday (25/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will officiate at the Launch of RE BA BONA HA Football Development Programme in Mahalapye. Venue: Botswana Railways Grounds, Mahalapye. In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, he will officiate at a BDP rally to launch the Bobirwa Parliamentary and Council Candidates in Bobonong.
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
C8) 6/10/08: UPDATE: October public events involving H.H. the Vice President
Members of the Press are hereby advised of the following public event involving H.H. the Vice President during the month:
Tuesday (7/10/08): In the evening, from 1930 hours, H.H. the Vice President will attend a Cultural Event Co-Hosted by Australian High Commission & Aviva Corporation at the No. 1 Ladies Opera House. Among the performers at the event will be Catherine Lambert, a renowned Australian Jazz musician.
Thursday (9/10/08): In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a Kgotla Meeting at Bobonong village
Friday (10/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a Kgotla Meeting at Tonota village. This will be followed in the afternoon, 1400 hrs, by His Honour's participation in the handover of a house to a destitute family in the same village [B3].
On the same evening, @ 1800 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will be the Guest of Honour at the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of Letshego Micro Provident Fund, to be held at the GICC [B2].
Saturday (11/10/08): In the evening, from 1900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will give the Keynote Address at the Junior Chambers International (JCI) Dinner, to be held at the Mokala Lodge in Jwaneng. The dinner is called JCI Presidential Induction Dinner and is part of the proceedings of the JCI's National Conference, which is also being held in Jwaneng this year. For further details contact: Ms Ngwatshi Enyatseng, Executive Director (JCI Botswana) Tel: +267 3922218/73990401 Fax: +267 3180898 Cell: +267 74359495
Sunday (12/1008): In the afternoon, from 14:00 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will officiate at a BDP political rally to launch the Kweneng South Parliamentary and Council Candidates in Thamaga (Contact Party for further details)
Tuesday (14/10/08): In the evening, at 1930 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will attend a Reception hosted by the Cuban Embassy, at the GICC, on the occasion of the 10th Session of the Cuba-Botswana Joint Commission. His Honour will be Guest of Honour. A Ministerial delegation from Cuba headed by Cuban Deputy Minister for International Cooperation, the Hon. Ramon Ripolli, will also be in attendance. It is expected that Minister Ripolli, the Cuban Ambassador and His Honour will all deliver some remarks.
Wednesday (15/10/08): From 12:00 hrs H.H. the Vice President will tour the Exhibitions at Global Expo. In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will be Guest of Honour at the Opening Ceremony of 4th ICHPERSD Africa Regional Congress, to be held at the University of Botswana. The Congress, itself, will run from 14th until 18th October and is hosted by the UB Department of Physical Education, Health Education & Recreation. Contacts at UB: Professor Emmanuel Owolabi tel: 355 2575/ 3555219 e:mail: In the evening, from 1900 hrs, he will officiate at Global Expo Official Opening Dinner, at the GICC.
Thursday (16/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice-President will address a Kgotla Meeting in Ghantsi
Friday (17/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice-President will address a Kgotla Meeting in Charleshill.
Monday (20/10/08): In the afternoon, at 1400 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will receive at his office a 6 member delegation of the People's Liberation Army of China led by Vice Admiral Sun Jianguo (Photo Opportunity only, we kindly request prior notice as space is limited)
Wednesday (22/10/08): In the evening, from 19:30 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will attend a reception for a visiting Swedish Trade Delegation at Plot 3125 President's Drive (Old Swedish Embassy Residence).
Thursday (23/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the vice President will address a Kgotla meeting in Palapye. In the evening, from 1900 hrs, he will officiate at the Opening of STANBIC Bank Branch in Palapye (Stanbic Bank can provide further details).
Friday (24/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will address a kgotla meeting at Lerala village
Saturday (25/10/08): In the morning, from 0900 hrs, H.H. the Vice President will officiate at the Launch of RE BA BONA HA Football Development Programme in Mahalapye. Venue: Botswana Railways Grounds, Mahalapye. In the afternoon, from 1400 hrs, he will officiate at a BDP rally to launch the Bobirwa Parliamentary and Council Candidates in Bobonong.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
His Excellency Lt. General Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana, Independence Day Message to the Nation
source: Republic of Botswana (4/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 30 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
B1) 29/9/08: HIS EXCELLENCY LT. GENERAL SERETSE KHAMA IAN KHAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA, INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE TO THE NATION [Setswana text previously circulated to domestic media is available on request]:
1. My fellow citizens, today we mark the 42nd anniversary of our existence not only as an independent and sovereign state, but also as a united and democratic society at peace with itself and the world.
2. This is an occasion when we can justifiably celebrate our past, with a combination of pride and humility, while contemplating our future with confidence and a renewed commitment to achieving our highest ideals.
3. As citizens, we can be proud of our country’s respected status among the world’s venerable multi-party democracies, the oldest on the African continent.
4. We can also take comfort in the fact that we are a nation resting on a foundation of respect for each other and the rule of law.
5. Our democracy remains rooted in our strict adherence to a Constitution, which has been the guarantor of our collective responsibilities to each other, as well as the individual liberties we all enjoy.
6. We can, of course, also take pride in the fact that, for over four decades, we have made substantial progress in growing our economy, educating the nation, creating employment and expanding our physical infrastructure.
7. But, our pride in what has been so far achieved should never become an excuse for complacency.
8. In any nation, democracy will always be work in progress, a means by which its citizens seek to realise a more perfect community in an imperfect world.
9. As we once more find time to celebrate our own record of development let us be humble in our awareness of both the domestic and global challenges we still face.
10. Let us also be respectful of the fact that the fruits of the freedom we enjoy today are a legacy of the cumulative efforts and timeless values of those who have come before us.
11. Among these values is that of discipline, without which there can be no individual or collective development.
12. In as much as self-discipline is a basis for self-development, collective discipline, rooted in mutual respect, remains a prerequisite for our continued democratic development.
13. This is why, in meeting with many of you in my tours around the country, I have shared your concern that the selfless social values that have overtime served us well may be fading.
14. There seems to be a tendency to replace the mutual responsibility we have traditionally had for one another with more self-centred, too often self-destructive, behaviour. Left unchecked such trends can only erode the gains that we have made.
15. And so we should not hesitate to take relevant measures when confronted with such challenges.
16. This is what we have been doing over the years in the face of various social and public health challenges, including the challenge of HIV/AIDS.
17. And this is what we are now doing with respect to our recently announced measures to curb the abuse of alcohol.
18. The challenge of alcohol abuse has been with us for some time. We have long been aware of its role in promoting the spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as its significant contribution to anti-social, risky and criminal behaviour, including child abuse, violence against women and deaths on our roads.
19. With additional reference to its ill effects on our young people, a national household sample survey found that by the time our youths reached age 13, 18% were already drinkers, rising to 72% by the time they were 17.
20. No responsible government, no government professing to be of, by and for the people, can afford to turn a blind eye to such circumstance.
21. It is for this reason that Government has now adopted a holistic approach to the challenge of substance abuse that includes a National Policy on Alcohol, public education campaigns on the dangers of excessive consumption, and stiffer penalties for alcohol related offences, as well as the introduction of a 30% levy on all alcoholic beverages and reduction in the hours of sale.
22. The levy will be used to support, among other things, the funding of public education and rehabilitation programmes, as well as law enforcement measures.
23. I, therefore, take this opportunity to once more appeal to liquor industry stakeholders, and the public at large to support the implementation of these measures for the promotion of dignified and healthy living in Botswana.
24. Let me conclude by affirming my own confidence in our collective ability as a nation to not only meet our most daunting challenges, but also achieve our highest aspirations.
25. Bagaetsho, let us challenge ourselves to do more for ourselves, our fellow citizens and our country. There is no limit to what we can achieve.
26. As I have had the opportunity to meet with many of you, from different regions and walks of life in recent months, I have become all the more confident in my conviction that we as Batswana have within ourselves, within our value systems, the capacity to realise our long-term vision.
27. Let us therefore be positive about our future and celebrate our nationhood with joy and dignity.
28. Finally, as this is also the period of the beginning of the rainy season, let us all pray to God that we have good rains.
29. And when it rains, let us express our gratitude by ploughing and planting crops that can make us more secure and prosperous.
30. May each and every one of you have a happy and safe 42nd Anniversary of Independence and pray for God’s guidance so that we can all live as a compassionate and caring family with one another as one nation.
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
B1) 29/9/08: HIS EXCELLENCY LT. GENERAL SERETSE KHAMA IAN KHAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA, INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE TO THE NATION [Setswana text previously circulated to domestic media is available on request]:
1. My fellow citizens, today we mark the 42nd anniversary of our existence not only as an independent and sovereign state, but also as a united and democratic society at peace with itself and the world.
2. This is an occasion when we can justifiably celebrate our past, with a combination of pride and humility, while contemplating our future with confidence and a renewed commitment to achieving our highest ideals.
3. As citizens, we can be proud of our country’s respected status among the world’s venerable multi-party democracies, the oldest on the African continent.
4. We can also take comfort in the fact that we are a nation resting on a foundation of respect for each other and the rule of law.
5. Our democracy remains rooted in our strict adherence to a Constitution, which has been the guarantor of our collective responsibilities to each other, as well as the individual liberties we all enjoy.
6. We can, of course, also take pride in the fact that, for over four decades, we have made substantial progress in growing our economy, educating the nation, creating employment and expanding our physical infrastructure.
7. But, our pride in what has been so far achieved should never become an excuse for complacency.
8. In any nation, democracy will always be work in progress, a means by which its citizens seek to realise a more perfect community in an imperfect world.
9. As we once more find time to celebrate our own record of development let us be humble in our awareness of both the domestic and global challenges we still face.
10. Let us also be respectful of the fact that the fruits of the freedom we enjoy today are a legacy of the cumulative efforts and timeless values of those who have come before us.
11. Among these values is that of discipline, without which there can be no individual or collective development.
12. In as much as self-discipline is a basis for self-development, collective discipline, rooted in mutual respect, remains a prerequisite for our continued democratic development.
13. This is why, in meeting with many of you in my tours around the country, I have shared your concern that the selfless social values that have overtime served us well may be fading.
14. There seems to be a tendency to replace the mutual responsibility we have traditionally had for one another with more self-centred, too often self-destructive, behaviour. Left unchecked such trends can only erode the gains that we have made.
15. And so we should not hesitate to take relevant measures when confronted with such challenges.
16. This is what we have been doing over the years in the face of various social and public health challenges, including the challenge of HIV/AIDS.
17. And this is what we are now doing with respect to our recently announced measures to curb the abuse of alcohol.
18. The challenge of alcohol abuse has been with us for some time. We have long been aware of its role in promoting the spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as its significant contribution to anti-social, risky and criminal behaviour, including child abuse, violence against women and deaths on our roads.
19. With additional reference to its ill effects on our young people, a national household sample survey found that by the time our youths reached age 13, 18% were already drinkers, rising to 72% by the time they were 17.
20. No responsible government, no government professing to be of, by and for the people, can afford to turn a blind eye to such circumstance.
21. It is for this reason that Government has now adopted a holistic approach to the challenge of substance abuse that includes a National Policy on Alcohol, public education campaigns on the dangers of excessive consumption, and stiffer penalties for alcohol related offences, as well as the introduction of a 30% levy on all alcoholic beverages and reduction in the hours of sale.
22. The levy will be used to support, among other things, the funding of public education and rehabilitation programmes, as well as law enforcement measures.
23. I, therefore, take this opportunity to once more appeal to liquor industry stakeholders, and the public at large to support the implementation of these measures for the promotion of dignified and healthy living in Botswana.
24. Let me conclude by affirming my own confidence in our collective ability as a nation to not only meet our most daunting challenges, but also achieve our highest aspirations.
25. Bagaetsho, let us challenge ourselves to do more for ourselves, our fellow citizens and our country. There is no limit to what we can achieve.
26. As I have had the opportunity to meet with many of you, from different regions and walks of life in recent months, I have become all the more confident in my conviction that we as Batswana have within ourselves, within our value systems, the capacity to realise our long-term vision.
27. Let us therefore be positive about our future and celebrate our nationhood with joy and dignity.
28. Finally, as this is also the period of the beginning of the rainy season, let us all pray to God that we have good rains.
29. And when it rains, let us express our gratitude by ploughing and planting crops that can make us more secure and prosperous.
30. May each and every one of you have a happy and safe 42nd Anniversary of Independence and pray for God’s guidance so that we can all live as a compassionate and caring family with one another as one nation.
OP to host National Security Strategy Review Seminar
source: Republic of Botswana (4/10/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 30 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
C1) 3/10/08: OP to host National Security Strategy Review Seminar
Please find below a Press Release on next week’s National Security Strategy Review Seminar, to be held at the Gaborone Sun Conference Centre (7-9/10/08).
Please further note that members of the Press are invited to provide coverage of the Seminar’s Opening Ceremony, on Tuesday (7/10/08) morning from 0800 hours, and Closing Ceremony, on Thursday (9/10/08) afternoon from 1345 hours. This is, of course, in addition to those media representatives who have been invited to participate in the three day programme.
The Office of the President will host a National Security Strategy Review seminar from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th October 2008, at the Gaborone International Conference Centre.
The seminar will be officially opened by the Minister for Defence Justice and Security, the Hon. Dikgakgamatso Seretse, and is expected to draw participants from the public service, private sector, media, civil society and the academia.
Key objectives of the seminar are:
• to promote security sector reform literacy in readiness for cross governmental implementation of a New National Security Strategy; and
• communicate the National Security Strategy Review Concept to a wider audience of critical civil society and non-government stakeholders in a way that fosters common understanding, in line with the Vision 2016 pillars, in particular, that of a Safe and Secure Nation; and
• enhance Botswana’s regional profile as a potential conflict prevention actor.
In hosting the seminar the Office of the President will be working in partnership with the Government of the United Kingdom and in conjunction with the Centre for Security Sector Reform of Cranfield University (UK).
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"
C1) 3/10/08: OP to host National Security Strategy Review Seminar
Please find below a Press Release on next week’s National Security Strategy Review Seminar, to be held at the Gaborone Sun Conference Centre (7-9/10/08).
Please further note that members of the Press are invited to provide coverage of the Seminar’s Opening Ceremony, on Tuesday (7/10/08) morning from 0800 hours, and Closing Ceremony, on Thursday (9/10/08) afternoon from 1345 hours. This is, of course, in addition to those media representatives who have been invited to participate in the three day programme.
The Office of the President will host a National Security Strategy Review seminar from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th October 2008, at the Gaborone International Conference Centre.
The seminar will be officially opened by the Minister for Defence Justice and Security, the Hon. Dikgakgamatso Seretse, and is expected to draw participants from the public service, private sector, media, civil society and the academia.
Key objectives of the seminar are:
• to promote security sector reform literacy in readiness for cross governmental implementation of a New National Security Strategy; and
• communicate the National Security Strategy Review Concept to a wider audience of critical civil society and non-government stakeholders in a way that fosters common understanding, in line with the Vision 2016 pillars, in particular, that of a Safe and Secure Nation; and
• enhance Botswana’s regional profile as a potential conflict prevention actor.
In hosting the seminar the Office of the President will be working in partnership with the Government of the United Kingdom and in conjunction with the Centre for Security Sector Reform of Cranfield University (UK).
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