Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe on the Occasion of the Hand-Over of a Minibus Donated To The Central Association For The Blind And Disabled

source: Republic of Botswana (26/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 39 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

B1) 25/11/08: Remarks by the Acting President of the Republic of Botswana Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe, MP on the Occasion of the Hand-Over of a Minibus Donated To The Central Association For The Blind And Disabled By Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BIHL) Trust Fund, Mahalapye

[Salutations]...Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

1. When I was officiating at an occasion similar to this one a week ago in Goodhope, at which I was receiving a donation of P70,000.00 (seventy thousand pula) from Sefalana Cash and Carry on behalf of Masiela Trust Fund, I emphasized that there can never be enough or too many of these kind of ceremonies. I am therefore very delighted to be here with you to bear witness to yet another act of generosity and compassion by our business community.

2. The donation of this minibus by Botswana Insurance Holdings
Limited (BIHL) Trust Fund to the Central Association for the Blind and Disabled (CABD) is not just an early Christmas gift but a good addition that will go a long way towards enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of this organization. It goes without saying that the work of the Central Association for the Blind and Disabled which was founded in 1981 to, among others, create income generating opportunities for the disabled, will benefit greatly from the vehicle being donated today. The minibus will no doubt facilitate access to the areas in and around Mahalapye that will be serviced by the new Rehabilitation Unit which I am informed is being completed as part of this Centre.

3. The Central Association for the Blind and Disabled needs to be
commended for doing what is more often than not perceived to be the responsibility of Government. The work that they do in providing for the special needs of the disabled is therefore complementary to that of Government.

4. As you all know the Government cannot do everything on its own.
The partnership with organizations like yours makes it possible for programmes to reach those that need help a little easier and more cost-effectively than if they were coordinated from a Government office. By establishing income generating opportunities such as the sorghum mill and horticulture projects at Tamasane and Serowe, your organization is proving that even in disability there is dignity. With your creativity and innovation you can fight poverty and stigma, live a life of hope and promise and find Dignity.

5. Bagaetsho, this donation by BIHL Trust is a demonstration of
their belief in the importance of communities and people of this country in general with whom they do business. It is also a manifestation of their strong commitment to the ideals of Vision 2016 which among others, challenges us to be a Compassionate and Caring Nation. This donation, in my view, is BIHL's way of endorsing the vision of the late Tlhabologo Monageng, the founder of the Central Association of The Blind and Disabled (CABD). I have no doubt that all of us here would like to pay tribute to his vision.

6. I am glad that Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited Trust Fund
administrators decided to hand over this donation now because an act of kindness put off until tomorrow may become only a bitter regret. I am thus challenging the business community and those individuals and organizations that have the means and the will to step up to the plate to emulate this example of compassion for the needy.

7. Bagaetsho, let me take this opportunity to urge the Central
Association for the Blind and Disabled as well as other bodies of similar undertakings in other parts of this country that it is important to continue to earn the trust and faith of your benefactors. One very important way of doing so is to ensure that all grants and donations received are used to cater for the core functions of the organization. It is important therefore that all funds and equipment donated, including this minibus, are used appropriately to promote accountability and respect for the beneficiaries in whose name donations are sought and secured. Indeed there is no better tribute to pay to the late Mr. Tlhabologo Monageng than to remain true to his well intended mission when he founded the Centre for the Blind and Disabled.

8. I am confident that you are working closely with national
umbrella bodies such as BOCONGO and Botswana Council for the Disabled
(BCD) to ensure adherence to proper governance standards.

9. Bagaetsho, let us commit ourselves to doing more for the blind
and disabled people in this country. We have already taken a decision as Government, for example, to allow the handicapped to receive medical attention free of charge at all public health facilities. We stand ready to support in whatever way possible all community groups, businesses, individuals and faith based communities in their efforts to make sound contributions towards the attainment of Vision 2016.

10. I know our media people are more than keen to work with us to
spread information about these acts of compassion and care to people in many areas of this country and beyond. Hopefully such stories will inspire more to emulate BIHL's example.

11. With these remarks, it is my distinct pleasure to receive this
minibus from BIHL Trust Fund on behalf of the Central Association for the Blind and Disabled centre in Mahalapye. Thank you to all of you for finding time from your busy schedule to be with us this afternoon.

Mr. Gabaake remains at his post

source: Republic of Botswana (26/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 39 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

C2) 26/11/08: Mr. Gabaake remains at his post

This Office notes with serious concern a report entitled "Permanent Secretary Fired?" which appeared in today's (26/11/08) edition of the Botswana Gazette newspaper. In the said article it is carelessly insinuated that the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, Mr. Gaabake Gabaake has been "fired", "asked to retire" or otherwise dismissed from his post.

We therefore wish to inform the public that Mr. Gabaake remains in his position as Permanent Secretary. Any rumours to the contrary are false and without any foundation.

We also wish to place on record our disappointment that a major local newspaper could publish on its front page such a damaging and misleading article based on what it claims to be "unconfirmed reports".

We take no joy in reminding the publication concerned of the professional obligation incumbent upon all media practitioners to check their facts properly, and the further obligation for editors and publishers of newspapers and other media to take proper care not to publish inaccurate material.

In this respect we note that the before any media institution publishes a report, both the reporter and editor must ensure that all reasonable steps have been taken to check its accuracy, while special care must always be taken to check stories that may cause harm.

It is clear to us that that the Botswana Gazette report in question is in severe breach of the above standards. We look forward to this being corrected.

We also take this opportunity to express our further dismay at another article on page two of the same newspaper entitled "More Top Civil Servants Move on", which also substitutes unsubstantiated innuendo over verified substance in, among other things, suggesting that "a powerful lobby within government want to ensure that trusted people are appointed to key positions" and that the Government Implementation and Coordination Office is somehow involved in making appointments to the senior civil service.

We are surprised that such sweeping statements can be made in the absence of any evidence. We can further confirm the Director General of GICO's own observation that he is not involved in the process of either
appointing or disciplining of Permanent Secretaries.

We further note that that it is no secret that, having reached the age of mandatory retirement, a number of distinguished senior civil servants will be leaving the civil service at the end of the year. In each case they will obviously be replaced. In this respect it is unfortunate that public officers who have earned their rest are having their names besmirched by false suggestions that they are somehow being forced out.

Ministry Of Health Press Release - Cholera Outbreak Alert

source: Republic of Botswana (26/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 39 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

C6) 25/11/08: Ministry Of Health Press Release - Cholera Outbreak Alert

The public is notified that there is an ongoing Cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries in the SADC region.

On the 19th of November 2008, two travelers from Zimbabwe presented to Sekgoma Memorial Hospital in Serowe with acute diarrhea and were treated as suspected cholera cases. On the 24th November the results from the Botswana National Health Laboratory confirmed diagnosis of cholera in one of the cases. The District Health Team followed up contacts of these two cases in Serowe. They have so far not found any cases indicative of Cholera.

All Public Health Facilities are on high alert to provide all the necessary health services for the management of any cases of Cholera.

The Ministry of Health continues to monitor the situation and will update the public as necessary. In the meantime the public is advised

a) Promptly report to the nearest health facility symptoms of acute diarrhoea and vomiting;
b) Strictly observe personal hygiene measures such as washing of hands after visiting the toilet, before handling food and ensure thorough cooking of food;
c) Properly dispose human excreta;
d) Drink safe, treated/boiled water;
e) Take precaution whenever visiting affected countries.

For further information on Cholera prevention please visit the nearest health facility or contact the Department of Public Health at 3632069/71562255 or 0800 600 740.

Ministry Of Health Press Release on an Unknown Infectious Disease in the Republic Of South Africa

source: Republic of Botswana (26/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 39 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

C7) 24/11/8: Ministry Of Health Press Release on an Unknown Infectious Disease in the Republic Of South Africa

On the 7th October 2008 the Ministry of Health released a Press Release notifying the public of an infectious disease in the Republic of South Africa.

We have since been informed that the National Institute of Communicable Disease and Centres for Disease Control (CDC) have identified the Arena Virus as the causal agent for the five (5) cases which resulted in four
(4) deaths. Arena Virus is related to the Lassa fever virus in West Africa. The disease it causes is a type of viral haemorrhagic fever and it is transmitted through rodents which act as its reservoir.

Human infection is incidental, and occurs when a person comes into contact with excretions or materials contaminated with the excretions of an infected rodent, such as ingestion of contaminated food, or by direct contact of abraded or broken skin with rodent excretion. Infection can also occur by inhalation of tiny particles soiled with rodent urine or saliva (aerosol transmission).

In Botswana, no case was reported after follow up of patients who sought medical attention in Gauteng Province since the 12th September 2008.

We have been assured by the South African Department of Health that the disease is under control and investigations of all suspected contacts are free of the disease. The Ministry of Health therefore lifts the restrictions that were placed in our 7th October 2008 Press Release, for individuals seeking non-emergency medical attention in Gauteng Province.

For more information contact the Department of Public Health at 3632069/71562255 or call the Ministry of Health toll free number at 0800 600 740.

We wish to thank the Public for their patience and support during this period.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

H.H. Lt. General Mompati S. Merafhe, Vice President of the Republic of Botswana at the Official Opening of the Mabutsane Sub-District Fair

source: Republic of Botswana (16/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 37 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"


[Salutations]...Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

1. Bagaetsho ke a lo dumedisa. Today we are gathered here, over two hundred kilometres from the capital city, to bear witness first hand how the Mabutsane Sub-District is gearing itself to be part of that national effort to make Vision 2016 a reality that it should be. This is the spirit that we need as a people if we are to be A Productive, Prosperous and Innovative Nation by 2016. I am therefore delighted to be in your midst today.

2. Director of ceremonies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I note with utmost sense of appreciation that the Pillar 2 & 3 Project is an initiative of the Mabutsane public officers to contribute in a special way to the communities they are employed to serve. It was started in June 2006 and covers 17 villages and settlements in the Sub-District.

3. The founders of this Project specifically and deliberately chose
Pillar 2, which says Botswana will be A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation, and pillar 3 through which we aim to be A Compassionate, Just and Caring Society. Through this Project the aim to advance minor but significant developments in the Sub-District as well as prepare and train local communities to effectively undertake their own village and community developments. The objectives of the Project are to:

* resuscitate the spirit of self-reliance and promote people-cantered community development through minor development projects;
* close the gap between the community and public officers by taking extension officers into effective community development;
* promote and actualize the principle of productivity in the Sub-District within the public sector and communities as well as motivating Visionary Leadership for High Workforce Performance;
* promote oneness of purpose within the Sub District's communities;
* help the poor in the community;
* reduce community dependence on government handouts and empower people to trust their ability to provide for themselves in a sustainable way;
* promote entrepreneurship within the community;
* promote ownership of the national vision by the communities;

4. Bagaetsho! No one can doubt the critical importance of these objectives to our national development efforts let alone the Vision 2016 aspirations.

5. We have to commend these public officers for having deemed it necessary to embark on such a noble undertaking. With these well thought out objectives the chances of success in this project are very high. Let us give them applause please!

6. It is now up to you, the communities in this Sub-District, to summon your energies and determination to make sure that this Project is sustainable in the long term, to 2016 and beyond.

7. Bagaetsho, the choice of pillars 2 and 3 could not have been more relevant. Although all the Vision pillars are important, you will agree with me that in order for this country to achieve the prosperity that we are all yearning for, we have to ratchet the level of productivity; innovativeness and indeed compassion in our society.

8. But most fundamentally, we have to resuscitate that spirit of self-reliance that fuelled our development efforts in the early years of our independence. We should be worried if this cardinal principle of our national development is gradually drowned by a rising tide of over-dependence on the Government.

9. I am heartened however, that we are assembled here today in this beautiful village of Maokane to witness a renaissance of spirit led by public officers and embraced by the community. This needs to be encouraged.

10. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is no wonder that this year your Project won a Special Award in recognition of your outstanding work and commitment to the implementation of Vision 2016, in particular pillars 2 & 3.

11. The Moral and Tolerant Nation Award was given to an officer from the Mabutsane Sub-District whose commitment to develop children through sports was viewed to be very much in line with the aspirations of Vision 2016. There is no doubt that these twin Vision awards are a clear demonstration of the Mabutsane Sub-District's commitment to the implementation of Vision 2016 and your aspiration to make Botswana a better place to live in.

12. As a matter of fact I am thrilled to learn that so far in 2006 and 2007 this initiative purchased and donated 170 chairs to all dikgotla in the Sub-District through contributions by public officers. And not only that - approximately 300 people have been given clothes, bedding and other household items under Operation be Compassionate.

13. True to your Sub-District Vision of Centre of Excellence in Quality Service Delivery for Community Development, your Sub-District performed outstandingly in the 2008 Drought Relief Labour Intensive Public Works Programme and was the first to finish its projects before every other district in Botswana, beating implementation deadline by two months. You should be proud of your work because what you are doing is a true epitome of productivity, compassion and self-reliance that we so much aspire for. I commend you for that and urge you to please keep it up!

14. To those stakeholders such as Shell Oil Botswana whose benevolent hand has been visible in this enterprise I extend my appreciation and encouragement to them to continue this partnership with the community. This act of corporate social responsibility must be an integral part of the operations of any profit-making organization. To other districts in Botswana, I say: Mabutsane Sub-District has shown us the way, we cannot but only follow.

15. Director of Ceremonies, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me conclude by this timeless counsel from the late American President John F. Kennedy: "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

16. This statement remains valid and relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow. Indeed it is as equally relevant in America as it is in this beautiful land of ours. I trust that we will continue to work hard; commit ourselves to the ideals of Vision 2016; be disciplined and positive about the future of our motherland. In whatever we do let us always remember that the spirit and principle of self-reliance is fundamental to our prosperity. Pula!

Remarks by the Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture Hon. Gladys T. K. Kokorwe, MP. at the opening of the 2008 Botswana- India Children's Film Festival

source: Republic of Botswana (16/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 37 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"


[Salutations]...Distinguished guests Ladies and Gentlemen

1. The gathering here this evening is a celebration of the Botswana-India relations which go back a long way ever since the attainment of Independence for the two Republics. The relationship has always been and continues to be characterised by very warm relations founded on true friendship, common purpose, mutual respect and understanding as well as commitment to global peace and prosperity.

2. It is therefore not surprising that we are gathered here today to celebrate this great partnership in the form of the 2008 Children's film festival organised by the Department of Culture and Youth in the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture, the Indian High Commission to Botswana and the Children's Film Society of India.

3. Botswana, just like India, enjoys cultural diversity and multi-cultural pluralism. The history of ideas teaches us that the freedom of choice, cultural liberty and cultural pluralism starts with the freedom of the individual to freely express ideas without favour or hindrance from the state.

4. In both Botswana and India, it can safely be argued that all forms of cultural expression have been given sufficient space for manifestation. The Constitution of Botswana clearly expresses this notion in that it explicitly states in Chapter II, the different freedoms and entitlements that people have in the country and these include among others - religion, self expression, beliefs, and assembly with others as well as the dissemination of ideas. These ideals are further reiterated in the letter and spirit that is Botswana's national vision: 2016.

5. Ladies and Gentlemen, the objectives of this film festival are, among others to:

* share culture, knowledge and experiences
* create a bond between the children of Botswana and their counterparts in India
* educate both sides of the belief systems, norms, values and cultural practices of the other
* promote the spirit of multiculturalism between children of the two nations
* promote world peace, tolerance and understanding between children of Botswana and India and their counterparts elsewhere in the world

6. The objectives of this festival are in tandem with the spirit and letter of the cultural cooperation between the Republic of Botswana and that of India, entered into by the two governments on behalf of their peoples. The agreement commits both countries to undertake cultural exchanges through such activities as this film festival. The agreement further sets out the parameters of how the two governments will work together to promote and enhance the image of the other in their countries, thus helping citizens of both to explore possibilities for investment, tourism and other business related pursuits.

7. I therefore, would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank His Excellency, the High Commissioner of India for having seen it fit to work with my Ministry to arrange this important event. As part of this agreement, Botswana traditional song and dance groups and other artists have performed in India at the invitation of the Botswana embassy there and the Indian government. Just a month ago some Botswana groups were in India and we have since received accolades for the good performances they put up whilst there.

8. Director of Ceremonies, the film industry in Botswana is at its infancy. As you may all be aware this is in sharp contrast to India where they have Bollywood, located in the beautiful city of Mumbai, which industry boasts international acclaim. This festival therefore provides an excellent learning experience for us in Botswana in terms of the types of film productions that we can begin to explore for our children here. Film is key among the creative industries. It has the propensity to create many opportunities both in terms of jobs as well as investment. In a country like Botswana, where the population is largely youth, film is very significant both as a learning tool in our school's classrooms; as an engine of growth for our economy; and as medium of communication for cultural understanding, tolerance and intercultural communication.

9. Ladies and Gentlemen, in closing, let me urge all of us to think seriously about supporting the arts in Botswana. There has been a steady growth in the last few years, particularly our music which has been making commendable strides both in the region and elsewhere in the world. Film is one such area which we can support by investing money in and realise enormous benefits since it has a lot of spin-offs. I thank you. Pula!

Response by Ministry of Local Government to Editor, Botswana Gazette

source: Republic of Botswana (16/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 37 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

C7) 14/11/08: Response by Ministry of Local Government to Editor, Botswana Gazette

Dear Sir,

The Ministry of Local Government notes with concern the sustained negative coverage on it by The Botswana Gazette. The Ministry respects freedom of the press which underpins our bustling democracy as it does critical appraisal of Government and the public service. However, the Ministry will speak out against, and defend itself from mischievous and malicious claims that misrepresent facts and tarnish its good name.

The Ministry notes with regret that, of all the substantive issues in its profile, The Botswana Gazette remains resolute in its search for specks of morsel to besmirch the Ministry's image and reputation. Sadly, in its relentless pursuit of sensationalizing issues and misrepresenting the truth, the paper has completely missed the plot. It misses the golden opportunity to share with Batswana, the immense developmental issues that emerge from the Ministry of Local Government.

In its latest onslaught, 'Nasha Blocks Mfa? Cancels All His 80 Kgotla Meeting', (12th - 18th November 2008) the Botswana Gazette purports that Honourable Minister Dr Margaret Nasha, 'restrained his (sic) subordinate from conducting over twenty Kgotla meetings at areas surrounding Gaborone.' This statement is categorically false and misleading. At no time has Minister Nasha interfered with Assistant Minister Oliphant Mfa's itinerary. To suggest that the Minister cancelled her colleague's trips arbitrarily is not only devoid of truth but also disrespectful to both the Honourable Minister and her assistant.

Honourable Dr Nasha is a distinguished Cabinet Minister and recent recipient of the Presidential Order of Honour in recognition of her integrity and selfless service to the people of Botswana. Her record speaks for itself; she is a dynamic and consultative leader who has a cordial and professional working relationship with not just her Assistant Ministers but with the entire workforce at the Ministry of Local Government.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Local Government has a clear mandate and a detailed road map that outlines how it implements its programmes and policies. To suggest that, 'It is understood that the Minister reasoned that there ought to be agreement on what the Assistant Minister would say at Kgotla meetings,' is presumptuous and casts aspersions on the confidence of His Excellency the President of Botswana in his Ministers. Such statements are also injurious to the intelligence and character of the Assistant Minister.

Minister Dr Nasha is the political head of the Ministry of Local Government and it is well within her rights to ask any officer at the Ministry to account for any of the resources at the Ministry's disposal including time. There is absolutely nothing amiss with the Minister requesting reports and feedback from colleagues. This is done in the normal course of work at the Ministry.

While it is not for us to say where and how editors should pitch articles for their papers, we will certainly voice our concerns where we feel the principle of fair and balanced objective reporting have been compromised. We hope that The Botswana Gazette will take note of these concerns.

Yours faithfully, Tigele Mokobi, Ministry of Local Government

H.H. the Vice President speaks out as SADC Summit Concludes

source: Republic of Botswana (16/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 37 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"

H.H. the Vice President speaks out as SADC Summit Concludes

Speaking to reporters today, H.H. the Vice President Lt. Gen. Mompati Merafhe expressed his hope that SADC member states would remain engaged in finding a lasting solution to the political impasse in Zimbabwe. His comments came after the apparent failure of this weekend's Extraordinary Summit in Gauteng to solve the political impasse in the country.

In a wide ranging post-Summit interview the Vice President stated that the Botswana Government was concerned by the recent accusation being peddled by the authorities in Harare that Botswana was harbouring and/or training Zimbabwe opposition youth under the pretext of a so-called "National Youth Symposium Training Programme", in order to force regime change in Zimbabwe.

Describing the accusations as a desperate attempt to divert attention from the real challenges facing Zimbabwe, the Vice President went on to observe that the notion that the Government of Botswana would wish to train foreign nationals on its territory to overthrow a neighbouring country's Government was ridiculous to any who are aware of the country's longstanding commitment to the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of others, and for the peaceful resolution of disputes in the region and elsewhere.

He further confirmed that Botswana had been taken aback when the baseless and absurd charges were raised at last week's Extraordinary Meeting of the Interstate Defence and Security Committee of the Organ Troika, which was held in Maputo.

According to the Vice President, the Botswana delegation had made its rejection of the unsubstantiated allegations abundantly clear both at Maputo and at the Gauteng Summit. He further observed that Botswana's position has been well received and understood by others in the region.

Noting that "lies have short legs", he added that at the Summit Botswana had reiterated its invitation to the SADC Organ Troika, with the Government of Zimbabwe, to undertake their own fact-finding mission, confirming that Botswana was prepared to accept the agreed terms of reference for the mission.

On the way forward for Zimbabwe, the Vice President stated that Botswana had hoped that the Summit would have succeeded in facilitating the formation of a government in Zimbabwe that was consistent with the with the 15 September Harare "Global Political Agreement", so that the various political stakeholders in Zimbabwe can begin to work together in addressing their country's pressing needs.

Acknowledging that there continued to be differences of opinion within the region about Zimbabwe, he further added that the Summit's resolution had reflected "consensus" rather than "unanimity" among the member states.

He further observed that if the accords could not be implemented it was in the logic of circumstance for democracy to be allowed to take its course through the holding of new elections under international supervision.

The Vice President affirmed that progress in Zimbabwe was very much in Botswana's own unlighted self interest, while the current political standoff in the country was having a negative local impact.

In this respect, he noted that there are currently over 1000 Zimbabwean refugees in Botswana, whose upkeep and general welfare cost Government about P1, 2 million a month.

There are also a much larger number of illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe who are continuously crossing Botswana's border in search of opportunities.

According to official statistics, since 2005 over 175,000 Zimbabweans have had to be repatriated. As part of this process, Botswana has had to build centres for illegal immigrants at a cost of P 62 million, as well as incurring significant operational costs in there running.

Merafhe's perception is that such figures are, however, "but the tip of an iceberg" as Zimbabwean illegal immigrants can now found throughout Botswana.

The existence of a large number of desperate and unemployed Zimbabweans roaming the Botswana's streets has also contributed to an escalation in crime. The Police Services confirms that between January and October 2008, over 12,000 illegal Zimbabwean nationals were known to be involved in criminal activities.

During the same period 65 incidents of Fence Cut Downs along the border with Zimbabwe were reported with livestock being smuggled into Zimbabwe. Such activities have previously been linked to the 2002-03 outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease in areas along the border with Zimbabwe.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Keynote Address to the Kalahari Conservation Society's 2008 Dinner Dance by His Excellency The President of the Republic of Botswana

source: Republic of Botswana (07/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 36 of 2008
The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President "Democracy, Development, Dignity and Discipline"


[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen

1. It is my pleasure tonight to address the Kalahari Conservation Society 2008 Dinner Dance on the theme 'meeting environmental and development challenges in Botswana'. You may all be aware of my previous role in the affairs of KCS and various conservation institutions. Not all of you might understand trends and stages in the evolution of conservation, but rest assured that you made the right decision to be here tonight as the event presents you a perfect moment to be associated with the environmental conservation movement in Botswana.

2. Let me say how proud and pleased I am to be The Patron of the Kalahari Conservation Society and I believe that my passion and vision for the environment will be further enhanced by this association.

3. Conservation movements keep changing, and expanding. The first generation conservationists focused on the conservation of species and parks, the second generation conservationists widened that focus to include pollution, sustainable use of natural resources, and the conservation and development agenda. While the third generation recognizes that organizations, institutions, societies, communities and political processes are part of the sustainability challenges facing all development. Environmental and Conservation issues have moved into the room and are inside government meeting rooms and corporate boardrooms. Environmentalists and conservationists have the right to sit at the table of development globally and our country Botswana cannot be an exception to this trend. My current position and my continued contact with environmental organizations such as the KCS afford me the unique opportunity to influence third generation environmental principles and policies within government during my watch. I look forward to facilitating informed choices and decisions in the development of this country, which will not be harmful to future generations.

4. Botswana is endowed with rich and unique natural heritage which is still remarkably intact. Conservation of flora and fauna goes back in our history through a variety of means of protection, including our traditions which we are celebrating through our dress code tonight.

5. Our natural renewable assets have thus been protected and nurtured over the years through various initiatives such as community and state controlled protected areas of various types like game reserves, parks, forestry reserves etc, and privately owned nature reserves/ sanctuaries.

6. Batswana have lived in the country for a long time exploring the land, the wildlife, the water and the minerals and this is continuing at an accelerated pace. So the challenge of how Botswana can continue to benefit today's inhabitants while not diminishing the benefits of its natural resources for future generations, is all important.

7. The economy of Botswana is heavily dependent on the natural resources base, particularly, in mining, tourism and agriculture. This in turn can have significant negative impacts on natural habitats and biodiversity.

8. There are indications that investors are interested in our country and there are deliberate efforts by government to liberalize our laws to facilitate investment. However there is a fear that these interventions to facilitate development may compromise sustainable social and moral development and pay little respect to environmental consequences in the broadest possible definition encompassing social and natural environments. We could be tempted, therefore, to cast aside our national environmental beliefs, policies and regulations for short term economic development.

9. This is not acceptable. We must allow Botswana to benefit from its rich natural capital, without undermining the future existence of that capital.

10. An effective safeguard against this is to integrate conservation and development processes from the initial planning stage through to implementation and for the Government to accept conservation as not being the separate and individual consideration of wildlife, soil or water and integrate it as a major component of development initiatives, policies and laws.

11. The protected areas in Botswana are also facing unrelenting and ever increasing pressure, population growth and growing demands upon natural resources represent an overarching threat to these areas.

12. Wildlife mobility has been curtailed over the last decades by fences, settlements and roads. Loss of connectivity has led to the separation of the northern and south-western wildlife system. As a result some of the traditional wildlife migration routes are no longer in use. The protected area system is a critical instrument for biodiversity conservation in Botswana.

13. The need for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can not be over-emphasized. The current outcry of developers that EIAs are expensive is a challenge to all stakeholders to evaluate their commitment to safeguard Botswana's environment. The EIA practitioners need to note that their actions could be detrimental to the very environment they help to protect if they don't accommodate developers' concerns.

14. For its part government intends to have an independent EIA Commissioner who will ensure that all stakeholders comply to the EIA policy and as such address the environmental challenges posed by the inevitable infrastructural developments our country is facing. I believe a transition to sustainability (balance between environmental and developmental changes) will not happen without social and political leadership. Politicians, Dikgosi and Society Leaders must lead this transition.

15. Botswana has done well in developing a conducive policy environment for effective natural resources management, but we still experience challenges as far as biodiversity conservation and sustainable development is concerned. In the coming years, biodiversity declines could take place and our environment will be increasingly disrupted and less able to provide for our people's needs. The world is facing and indeed suffering already from the worsening impacts of climate change.

16. Government will tackle the issue of climate change vigorously for the mutual sustainable benefit of our country and our planet. To this end we will continue to support National and International efforts to monitor and reduce the causes of negative climate change. Such complexities and challenges in sustainable development are at the core of Governments implementation of development hubs. It is my hope that these hubs cut across Ministries and integrate all stakeholders in their deliberations and in this regard it should be recognized that the environment itself, in turn, cuts across all hubs.

17. We do have important platforms like the HLCC, which serves a critical role in bringing together different stakeholders to address issues raised by this KCS dinner dance's theme. HLCC is itself an arrangement requiring evolution and change, and we hope it will continue to develop unified approaches, partnerships and forums for collective action for development and to providing a platform for policy engagement amongst all concerned. HLCC will evolve to meet today's challenges and the Environment in its own right, through organizations like the KCS as the only National Environmental NGO, will have a place at that table.

18. All these efforts geared towards creating a balance between environment and development cannot be achieved without cooperation. There is a need to develop a dream package that both promotes environmental integrity and reduces poverty. There is a common belief that raising living standards will automatically reduce pressure on natural resources. However this is only possible if the corporate world can provide economic incentives to the communities and also plough back into environmental conservation initiatives. With all that, the dream package would be realized - a balance between environment and development. Thank you for your attention. PULA!

Monday, November 3, 2008

State of the Nation Address by His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama

source: Republic of Botswana (3/11/08): TAUTONA TIMES no 35 Special Edition



1. Mr. Speaker, I am grateful for the opportunity to give this
Honourable Assembly an assessment of our nation's achievements and challenges, in this my first State of the Nation Address, which will also be the last before the next general election.

2. We should, however, recognise that addressing the needs of
Batswana cannot be limited to the activities of Government alone. The ability to move forward ultimately rests with all of us. Our national anthem rightly affirms that our land is a gift from God - but our nation's progress did not fall from heaven - it is the product of human efforts to achieve common goals. Only by continuing to work together shall we overcome our most daunting challenges, while achieving our highest aspirations.

3. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of interacting with
fellow citizens from different areas and walks of life around the country, in the process deepening my own appreciation of the fact that, as a society, we are fortunate to share common values, as well as interests. We further share the conviction that Government must remain accountable to the common good.

4. Our democracy is also embedded in a culture of tolerance and
mutual respect, in which individual rights go hand in hand with responsibilities and consideration for the dignity of others. These qualities are reflected in our Constitution, which provides us with the framework by which the three arms of Government are not only held accountable to one another but, more importantly, to the public they have been established to serve. All three arms of Government, as well as other independent bodies, should therefore work together for the nation's shared benefit. In this way, the goals which unite us will continue to be far greater than any details that may divide us.

5. Such a democratic commitment, when combined with enhanced discipline, will enable us to achieve the sustained development necessary to ensure that all our citizens live in dignity.


6. Nations must know their goals if they are to achieve them. We have a Vision of where we wish to be. Our guiding principles, economic strategies, and development plans further provide us with a roadmap.

7. While there are still many obstacles in our way, the biggest challenge we face in driving towards a better future is finding the discipline within ourselves to sacrifice short term interests for sustained development. This means setting and achieving standards of excellence that will enable us to compete with the best in the world. We need to create a culture of achievement with an emphasis on quality delivery by the public and private sectors, as well as individuals.

8. Government's primary economic responsibility is to nurture an enabling environment for private sector growth that allows for increased domestic, as well as foreign investment. We remain committed to promoting an open society, with an open economy, in which all who can make a positive contribution to further growth and development are encouraged to do so. In this era of globalisation, local industries can no longer prosper as big fish in small, protected ponds. They should instead seek the ocean of opportunities available in the global market.

9. No democracy can exist without discipline. Wherever I go throughout our great country, I hear voices lamenting that the timeless values that have long held our nation together are under threat. That Botho, our shared sense of mutual respect and responsibility, is being replaced with more self-centred, all too often self destructive, social and political behaviour. Where we once practised self-reliance (ipelegeng), at both the individual and community levels, we now too often tend to rely on others and the State to provide for us.

10. Sadly, I am certain that anyone of us could cite instances where the common good has been compromised by fallen morals, a dearth of patriotism and an exaggerated sense of self-centred individualism and entitlement; such as:

* When official documents such as passports and Omang are sold to foreigners;
* When people stand aside in the false belief that it is up to others to fight veld fires;
* When people who should know better look the other way while public property is vandalised and the environment littered and polluted;
* When women are openly abused or children in school uniform are corrupted by elders.

11. Left unchecked, such anti-social trends will undermine what we have so far achieved, as well as be a barrier to our further development. We, therefore, must take necessary action when we find that the discipline upon which our progress has been based is being eroded. It is said that discipline is the bridge between your desired objectives and their achievement.

HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse

12. Through the proactive leadership of my immediate predecessor, Former President Festus Mogae, we recognised that we could not afford to ignore the scourge of HIV/AIDS in the blind hope that it would somehow leave us in peace. Because we turned away from denial, today there are many among us who would otherwise not be here. We can take comfort in the fact that through vigorous outreach efforts, today over 110,000 people are now on ARVs, while we have reduced mother-to-child transmission of the virus from infected females from about 40% to 4%.

13. These programmes have come at a great cost - last year we spent over P 1.4 Billion, of which almost 90% came from our own resources. No amount of money, however, can compensate for the need for greater commitment. Drugs can only do so much. Discipline will do the rest.

14. Mr. Speaker, there is a recognised link between excessive alcohol use and risky behaviour that contributes to the spread of the virus. We are aware of the role substance abuse plays in treatment default for other illnesses such as TB. Alcohol is also a contributing factor to a wide range of additional maladies:

* from carnage on the roads to low levels of productivity and injuries at the workplace;
* from the occurrence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and other health complications to violent crimes, such as assaults, rapes, robberies and murder, as well as spouse and child abuse.

15. As a society, we can no longer pretend that there is little that can be done to curb such ravages. This is why Government, in line with the World Health Organisation and guided by international best practice, has adopted a multi-faceted approach to the problem, whose key components

* A National Policy or Strategy on Alcohol;
* Public Education Campaigns on the dangers of underage and excessive alcohol consumption, as well as consumption during pregnancy or whilst on medication;
* enhanced law enforcement;
* reduction in the hours of sale of alcohol; and
* this month's introduction of a 30% levy on alcoholic beverages.

16. Each of these is a reasonable step that, when taken together, will help reduce death and destruction. There are, nonetheless, those who try to dismiss our efforts by saying that alcohol harm is a symptom rather than a problem. Such people ignore the circular nature of cause and effect; for excessive drinking is itself a breeder of poverty, delinquency and inefficiency, as well as poor mental and physical health.

Justice and Security

17. Mr. Speaker, our forefathers knew that the internal harmony (kagisano) of a community was the key to ensuring the dignity of its inhabitants. Today, we also recognise that achieving a safe and secure nation is a prerequisite for a productive and prosperous society that combines opportunity with tranquillity.

18. Criminals come from all backgrounds, as do their victims. We shall continue to fight crime, including corruption, through better strategies that are being developed for prevention, policing and prosecution. I am pleased to report that we are already seeing success as a result of these strategies. Government has been enlisting community stakeholders, such as business, civic and traditional leaders, in these efforts.

19. In addition, the capacity of law enforcement will be enhanced through the impending merger of Local Police into the Botswana Police Service, which will be accompanied by the hiring of an additional 2050 personnel to cover more villages. The Police Air Support Branch should be launched early next year with the arrival of new helicopters. Joint operations between the Police and Defence Force are being intensified to reduce crime.

20. For both the accused and victims of crime, justice delayed is justice denied. We have, therefore, been implementing reforms in our justice system such as court records and judicial case management, so as to reduce the backlog of cases in our courts. The handing over of prosecutorial duties from the Police Service to the Director of Public Prosecutions will enhance the efficiency of both these Departments.

21. In line with our commitment to zero tolerance for corruption, the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime is embarking upon new interventions countrywide, where opportunities for corruption are especially prevalent. These interventions are already bearing fruit.

22. Mr. Speaker, in the end, the stability of a community cannot be separated from its commitment to upholding public values and morality. This is why I appointed a Task Force on Morals and Social Values made up of prominent religious and traditional leaders. Their report, which was received this morning, should provide us with proposals for additional interventions.


23. Mr. Speaker, in keeping with our Vision, our development goal is to move from being a middle income to high income economy that provides for the dignity of all. While we can be proud of our past achievements, it is more important that we now face our current challenges:

* Although there has been a steady reduction in poverty over the years from 47% in 1994 to our latest figure of 30% in 2004, which is projected to fall to 23% by next year, we are acutely aware of the need for more equitable growth and job creation.
* There is a mismatch between our graduates' skills set and workplace demands, which further contributes to the challenge of unemployment.
* While we have invested heavily in the health sector, we remain reliant on external specialists.
* Agricultural productivity has stagnated, despite past interventions aimed at improving it.
* Though we have put in place structures and policies aimed at increasing foreign direct investment, the inflow of outside capital has fallen short of our expectations.

24. Unless we discover new diamond streams, of similar magnitude to those in Jwaneng and Orapa, the revenues accruing from diamonds for the country will drastically decline in the coming decade. It is therefore imperative that we find additional income through economic diversification.

25. Mr. Speaker, our strategy to reach a state of a high income economy in the coming decade stands on two legs. The first is to drive economic diversification efforts through focused "Hubs". The second is through the implementation of a range of initiatives.

26. Government has established six Hubs. The Minister responsible for each of these Hubs reports on its progress to the Cabinet Committee on Economy and Employment chaired by His Honour the Vice President, and also reports to me monthly. Each Ministry also has a set of initiatives it is currently implementing since they were launched a few months ago. Let me here emphasize that these initiatives are being carried out in the context of, and are adding impetus to, our normal development planning. I shall now highlight some of the key elements of the strategy.

Minerals, Energy and Water Resources

27. Mr. Speaker, it is our intention to make Botswana a major international diamond centre. To help achieve this, a Diamond Hub is being established to increase our benefits from beneficiation initiatives. It will create jobs and contribute to GDP growth by encouraging such downstream processes as cutting and polishing, jewellery manufacturing and local trade in rough and polished diamonds.

28. The Secure Transfer Facility at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport is to be transferred to the Hub to serve not only export needs of Debswana and the Diamond Trading Centre, but other industry players.

29. A Diamond Office will become operational this month as a one stop shop for industry stakeholders. It will monitor diamond supply agreements, while ensuring compliance with the Kimberly Process Certification.

30. Connection of households to the national electricity grid is fundamental to improving our citizens' quality of life. In this regard we have been making real progress. Today about half of all households in the country are directly connected, compared to only one in eight a decade ago. In the process, we have electrified an additional 270 villages with another 98 soon to be connected.

31. There are, however, impediments to realizing our goal of bringing electricity to all. Many Batswana cannot afford costly connection fees. The Ministry has, therefore, been directed to find ways to standardise electricity connection fees and charges in rural areas. The completion date for this exercise is April 2009.

32. Mr. Speaker, energy sufficiency is an urgent priority. Owing to the current problems with load shedding and the need to increase energy throughput for both industrial and home consumption, Government has embarked on a three pronged strategy to meet our short, medium, and long term needs. Its first aspect is to explore and bring to fruition opportunities to secure our power supply.

33. The second is the Morupule B Power Station plant expansion, whose first phase will have a projected output of 600 Mega Watts and is due for completion in 2011. A second phase of expansion will further increase output by another 600 Mega Watts, which will free us of the need to import electricity.

34. The third is to encourage and facilitate investment by Independent Power Producers (IPPS) in the country, to assist us in meeting immediate energy needs, while generating additional long-term capacity for export. In this context, negotiations are on-going between the Mmamabula Energy Project sponsors and its key stakeholders, the Botswana Power Corporation and Eskom, as well as the Governments of Botswana and South Africa. Due to rising costs associated with events outside our country, the project sponsors have had to scale down the project, which is now expected to generate a total of 1200 Mega Watts. We are also in the process of negotiating with additional partners to reduce the project's risk profile.

35. I take this opportunity to further urge other interested IPPs to engage Government. Botswana has the resource endowment and central location to potentially supply power to the SADC region. We will also welcome those in the private sector who may be interested in setting up renewable energy projects such as solar energy.

36. Government recognises that access to clean water is a basic
need. One of the major projects to be implemented during NDP10 is the North South Carrier II and the building of more dams. The Ntimbale Dam has been completed and the construction of Dikgathong, Thune and Lotsane Dams are now underway. Other sources of water will also be identified to improve accessibility. Inefficient means of distribution, such as having several authorities serve the same locality, is also a barrier to water accessibility. The Ministry of Minerals Energy and Water Resources is working with Local Government to restructure and reduce the number of authorities per locality. Implementation will commence in May 2009.

Works and Transport

37. The Transport Hub is being established to ensure that major infrastructure projects provide optimal benefits to the economy through synergy in the air, road, and rail sectors. The Hub's anticipated benefits further include increased employment and revenue from tourism and hospitality, as well as transport sectors.

38. Major projects contemplated include the Kazungula Bridge, the Dry Port at Walvis Bay, Trans Kalahari Railway, Mmamabula-Ellisras and Mosetse to Kazungula Rail Links. Feasibility studies for the rail projects are in process, while a lease agreement for the Dry Port is being finalised. Efforts are also underway to attract international air carriers, while the ongoing upgrading and reconstruction of the Francistown, Kasane, Maun, and Sir Seretse Khama International Airports, are scheduled for completion by 2010-11.

39. Mr. Speaker, to enhance citizen empowerment, a directive has been issued that auctions involving boarded vehicles, along with other stores and equipment from Government and public-funded entities, are now reserved for citizens and 100% citizen-owned companies. Approximately 2000 such vehicles will be auctioned by the end of this year.


40. The Agricultural Hub is being established to encourage and support greater commercialisation and sustainable diversification of the sector, as well as improve food security. Amongst its key projects is the second phase of the National Agricultural Master Plan for Arable Agriculture and Diary Development (or NAMPAADD). During the initial phases of this programme, four production and training farms were established, one for rain-fed farming, two for horticulture production and one for dairy farming. These farms are used for training in various aspects of commercial agricultural production, resulting in technology transfer to participating farmers. In addition yield potentials of various crops under improved management practices have been established.

41. Another major initiative under consideration is the Zambezi Agro-Commercial Integrated Development Project, whose objective is to develop agricultural production on a large commercial scale in northern Botswana. Progress on this project has been delayed pending finalisation of an agreement to extract water from the Zambezi.

42. Recently, we have also launched a new programme called Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD), to provide farmers with assistance in the form of seed, fertiliser, ploughing and planting, water and cluster fencing. Seed has already been distributed to most areas, while the Ministry is in the process of sourcing additional fertiliser, where global shortages have driven up costs. To date over 1600 privately owned tractors have been registered for the programme to augment the capacity of Government tractors, an additional 60 of which are now on order for use in the coming months. To facilitate tractor use, we have also waived the need to have a special tractor license for those who already have motor vehicle licences.

43. ISPAAD will develop commercial farming while reducing the need for imported food. I would like to stress that only those farmers who show genuine dedication to their projects will be given continued support.

44. We are further prepared to lease State land to any investors who are truly committed and capable of putting the land to productive use. Government also intends to acquire and reserve underutilised Tribal Land for more productive agricultural usage.

45. Mr. Speaker, financial institutions have often been reluctant to offer loans to farmers in the absence of an agricultural insurance scheme. To facilitate such loan access, and also minimise the risks caused by climatic variability and natural disasters, Government is in the process of introducing a Botswana Contributory Agricultural Insurance Scheme. The CEDA Young Farmers Fund, which has been established to encourage the youth to enter commercial farming, has also now taken off. So far 151 projects have been assisted through the scheme, valued at P58 million.

46. To further expand agriculture, Government is intensifying rural infrastructure development, namely roads, electricity, water, and telecommunications. Options for livestock water development, to assist small herd owners in communal areas throughout the country where water resources are scarce, are being undertaken. Work in this respect is already ongoing in the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Districts.

47. Mr. Speaker, we have been making significant progress in fighting Foot and Mouth disease in Ngamiland, but unfortunately our efforts received a setback last month with a new outbreak near Kuke, in the Ghanzi District. The Minister will be making a full statement in Parliament about this development.


48. Mr. Speaker, the Health Hub is being established to identify projects and programmes that will make Botswana a centre of excellence in the provision of healthcare services. Amongst its primary projects is the outsourcing of the freight and logistics function of the Central Medical Stores. This project should end the current problems being experienced by the institution, where ineffective structures and processes have created opportunities for fraud, while causing drug shortages and wastage of expired drugs that had gone undelivered.

49. There is no doubt that we have excellent health facilities, but we lack the human capital to optimise their quality of service. It is owing to this that we rely heavily on our neighbour, South Africa, for some of the specialised care we require. We are therefore in the process of outsourcing portions of hospitals. For example, in Molepolole an agreement is being negotiated with the University of Bonn, Germany, to set up a Cardiac Centre of Excellence at the new Scottish-Livingstone hospital. Such outsourcing to reputable private operators will allow more specialists to establish themselves in our country, thus providing Batswana with services they have hereto had to obtain from outside the country.

50. Mr. Speaker, accessibility of ARVs has been a problem in the past, especially to outlying settlements. Government is now implementing new strategies for distributing ARVs to address the problem. A total of 79 clinics are now offering ARVs on site.

51. Not many Batswana can afford medical expenses for complex ailments requiring organ transplants and specialised therapies. The Ministry of Health has recently developed a policy to improve affordability and accessibility for such ailments. Implementation is on a selective basis using age, probability of success and cost of maintenance as criteria. In recognition of their special challenges, medical fees for old age pensioners and the handicapped have been waived.

52. To bring medical care closer to rural communities, the Ministry of Local Government is upgrading its integrated primary health care services through the recruitment of additional staff and expansion of facilities. To ensure grassroots delivery to rural areas, it has been decided that the medical services provided by doctors and other medical personnel will be organised into 189 clusters around the country, of which just over 100 have already been provided with doctors. This initiative will save people from having to wait a long time or travel long distances to receive quality medical care.

53. In addition, the Ministry of Health is intensifying the recruitment of doctors to address existing shortages, which are especially acute in our rural health facilities.

Education and Skills Development

54. Mr. Speaker, the Education Hub is being established to promote quality education, training and research into such fields as Science and Technology, Business Management, Mining, Hospitality and Tourism, where we believe that Botswana can compete favourably at the regional and global level, thus creating business and employment opportunities. Like the health sector, the intention is to provide most areas of learning in-country, reducing the need for external placement.

55. Amongst the major projects to be undertaken by the Hub is the opening of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. Phase I construction is scheduled for completion in December 2010 for enrolment in March 2011. Phase II of the project, to be financed through Public Private Partnership, will start immediately thereafter. Government also intends to sponsor some of our most gifted students to selective world class universities. This will ensure that we have a pool of talent to help us better meet our future challenges.

56. Mr. Speaker, a holistic Human Resource Development Strategy is being formulated as achieving high income status will require an enhanced skill base. Given the dynamic nature of the global economy, there is, moreover, a need for continuous learning on the part of our workforce. On the job training, short term courses and post graduate education must become the norm. While Government will continue to facilitate lifelong learning, the private sector also should play its part, with the encouragement of Government incentives.

57. Indiscipline in schools is of great concern. To mitigate vandalism, substance abuse and other forms of juvenile delinquency, a pastoral system has been introduced in secondary schools. To better ensure discipline among teachers a Teaching Council is being established and the existing Code of Regulations is being reviewed. I have directed that there be no tolerance for indiscipline from the primary through tertiary levels of education, including at the University of Botswana.

Labour and Home Affairs

58. For its part, the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs is in the process of starting a National Internship Programme to enhance the skills set and marketability of our graduates who may not be immediately employed upon completion. Registration of the graduates has already started and the programme will commence in January 2009.

59. Mr. Speaker, to promote prisoner rehabilitation and their self-employment, ex-convicts will be afforded the opportunity to use prison facilities for a limited time for training and raising seed capital. The Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs is in the process of starting a pilot project to this effect. To further promote rehabilitation, I ordered the remission of sentences of certain categories of prisoners. This has so far resulted in the early release of 1,039 prisoners, which, I must stress, is conditional on their continued good behaviour. Should they default, they will be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of their sentences.

60. In view of the current security risks posed by illegal ownership of Botswana Passports by non-citizens, the Ministry has been directed to put stringent measures in place to protect this important national document, in line with international expectations as well as domestic concerns. As a result those who lose their passports, especially on account of lack of proper care, can expect delays of up to a year before they are issued with new ones, while cost of such replacements will be up to P1000 Where unconvincing reasons exist for the loss of a passport, a replacement may be denied.

61. Steps have also been taken to clamp down on opportunities for corruption in the Departments of Immigration and Labour, fuelled in part by the influx of illegal immigrants. We have started cracking down on those foreigners who engage in any activities that undermine immigration control by removing them from the country. Citizens who illegally assist such people can expect to be prosecuted.

62. In keeping with our overall commitment to the principle of therisanyo (consultation), the Ministry has also redoubled its efforts in engaging labour and employers in matters of mutual interest. Such dialogue should generate concrete proposals on how we can enhance both the quality of life and productivity of our labour force.

63. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report that the participation of women in decision making in most levels of public and private life continues to advance. Over the past decade, Botswana has been ranked among the global top twenty in terms of the percentage of women occupying leadership positions in both the public and private sectors. Women are further reported to makeup over half of those employed in our country in professional and technical fields, while in senior positions in the public service, female representation stands at just above 40%.

64. Today, we can also be proud of the fact that in one of the few areas where we have lagged behind the rest of the world, the recruitment of women into the military, we are finally catching up. Where we have still not yet made sufficient progress is the representation of women in positions of political leadership - though as of today, at least, we
have for the first time a lady as the Leader of this House.

Communication, Science and Technology

65. Mr. Speaker, we live in an era when economic growth around the world is being increasingly driven by knowledge based industries. It is in recognition of this fact that we are establishing an Innovation Hub as a commercial nexus for knowledge creation and innovation. The Hub will cater for ICT and Research and Development companies serving the local and international market. It will also serve as a platform for management training and business support to industry clusters and networks that will contribute to improved productivity and employment.

66. For any society to achieve world-class standards, its professional disciplines must adhere to appropriate norms of conduct based on global benchmarks. In this context, the call for local media practitioners to be responsible and professionally accountable to an independent Press Council with sufficient capacity and credibility ought to be understood as a necessary development for the good of all.

Youth, Sport and Culture

67. In line with the Vision 2016 pillar of a United and Proud Nation, Government has taken the initiative to support different codes of sports. In this regard, appearance fees for official national team games and monthly allowances to local athletes in the Premier League, First Division (North and South) and other sport codes have been introduced. We will continue to review the strategies to ensure that we develop competitive sportspersons in different codes in order to encourage competition and quality.

68. A programme for inter-constituency football competitions for non league players within districts, including necessary funding arrangements for games and prizes to be won, has also been introduced and will be sustained. So far these competitions are taking place in 53 out of the 57 constituencies (that is in all constituencies except Nkange, Kgatleng East and West, and Gaborone West North).

69. The Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture, in collaboration with the private sector, has also started implementing projects aimed at identifying non-sport talent. President's Day celebrations are now used to identify talents in various districts and localities in the fields of fine arts, music, dance, theatre, drama, poetry, and comedy, with accompanying incentives to reward the best performers. This dovetails with the Ministry of Communications Science and Technology's ongoing exploration of ways to assist upcoming music artists to record their work.

70. In order to improve coordination of youth activities, each Ministry now has a Youth Officer post. This will ensure that the youth issues are fully addressed by both Government and the private sector. Youth Officers, with funding to support empowerment initiatives, will be posted in each constituency. Youth Officers have further been directed to meet quarterly with the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture to present new empowerment opportunities for onward transmission to Cabinet. It is our intention to drive the creation of significant opportunities for youth in all sectors.

71. To broaden our tourism base and protect our cultural heritage, monuments and heritage sites will be established and operated by communities and other interested stakeholders. Twenty sites have been so identified for development during NDP 10. In addition, management plans for various monuments are being drafted.

Trade and Industry

72. Mr. Speaker, as part of our efforts to strengthen our resilience, we have to be aggressive in pursuing the import substitution initiatives in all Ministries to reduce unemployment and grow our private sector. Progress in this regard has been attained in several areas.

73. Government has been purchasing locally produced goods and services, which include pottery, crafts, and art works. Between April and June, locally purchased goods and services amounted to P240 million. Government has opened up its premises to small scale caterers. I urge Batswana to take advantage of this initiative by producing more quality goods and services, and I urge the private sector and the public as a whole to follow Government's lead. Obviously, our products must be of world-class quality if we are to successfully compete in today's global market.

74. The Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) is fulfilling its mandate of providing business development services to facilitate the success of small, medium and micro-enterprises or SMMEs. Since its establishment last year, the value of investment for import substitution projects by LEA has been over P6 million, with additional funding in the pipeline. Some 7000 customers have approached LEA for assistance, of whom over 70% have passed its screening test and are being assisted.

75. The Ministry of Trade and Industry is also working on mechanisms for major food retailers to accommodate non-Halaal consumers, who are by far the majority of the consumers in the country, by amongst others, providing non-Halaal sections and products in their shops. The Attorney General is drafting a statutory instrument to this effect.

76. The Ministry is also fast tracking its assessment of feasibility of establishing free trade zones, to aid in attracting Foreign Direct Investment for employment creation. The Ministry is further looking into additional ways of easing impediments to doing business in Botswana.

Finance and Development

77. Mr. Speaker, there are concerns that the tax system in Botswana is complicated and a disincentive to investors. We are thus in the process of reviewing the tax system with the aim of simplifying it. In addition, we will continue to seek double taxation agreements to reduce the cost of doing business in Botswana.

78. To further support the growth of the agricultural sector, from next year farm implements and spares will be exempted from VAT.

79. Achieving our vision of a more prosperous and productive nation will require successful local entrepreneurs, as well as dedicated and skilled workers. The Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) was established to promote entrepreneurial development and provide finance to local businesses. The CEDA Development Fund has so far approved 177 projects valued at P124 million in the current financial year; bringing the total number of projects financed through the programme to 2,229 at a total value P 1.27 Billion. These have already created 12,567 new jobs.

Environment, Wildlife and Tourism

80. Mr. Speaker, the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism has been proactive in its implementation of the Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Policy, which Parliament approved last year. Community Based Organisations (CBOs) involved in the sustainable management of our natural heritage are now active in some 150 communities, involving more than 135,000 people countrywide. To improve their governance, CBO constitutions are now being aligned with a model Deed of Trust that was developed in consultation with concerned stakeholders.

81. The need for community involvement in managing local resources is guiding our ongoing efforts to finalise a management plan for the Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve. Following my June 2008 meeting with community stakeholders, it was agreed that Government would consult further with representatives of affected communities to ensure the Reserve's sustainable future. This process is being carried out on the basis of a continued commitment to provide these communities, like all other citizens, with developments such as education, employment, health and other socio-economic amenities that will improve their quality of life. In this respect, there is a common recognition on the part of all internal stakeholders that such developments are not inconsistent with the rich culture of these communities. The notion on the part of some outsiders that any segment of our society wishes to subsist today on the basis of a hunter-gathering lifestyle is, however, an archaic fantasy. The Reserve's unique natural heritage is an important national resource, which will be preserved for the benefit of the present and future generations.

82. Though wildlife continues to be a treasured asset, we are aware of the damage that fauna can cause to some communities. In this respect, consideration will be given to increased compensation for damaged property where farmers meet their own obligations to adequately secure their livestock and crops. More steps are also being undertaken to combat poaching.

83. A programme to accelerate tree planting is being rolled-out to reduce the impact of soil erosion and also to conserve indigenous tree species. 30,000 indigenous trees are being grown for planting. Forty (40) primary schools are targeted for tree planting and twenty-two (22) schools have already been identified for the programme. I urge Batswana to augment these efforts.

84. To promote development, the Ministry has also been directed to fast track the carrying out of a review of Environmental Impact Assessments.

85. The Ministry is also working to ensure that Botswana maximises the benefits from the 2010 FIFA World Cup. I urge the business community to also position itself to benefit from the event, through opportunities in such areas as tourism, transport, and hospitality services.

Lands and Housing

86. One of the constraints we are facing in attracting outside investment is shortage of serviced land. The Ministry of Lands and Housing is, therefore, working on identification and reservation of bulk land for the Ministry of Trade and Industry (for BEDIA), and the Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture.

87. The SHHA scheme has been reviewed to improve affordability and encourage home ownership amongst low income earners. In line with affordability, interest rates have been waived and the repayment period has been increased. To improve the quality of the structures, the loan has been increased from P20,000 to P45,000. In addition, turnkey SHHA loans are capped at P60,000.

88. Provision of land and housing for the youth is a priority for Government. In this regard, the Ministry is considering the possibility of revising the age limit for land ownership from 21 to 18. We are also in the process of devising strategies for provision of accommodation for young people and public officers, especially in the lower grades.

89. Government will also provide support for a new Instalment Purchase Scheme to be administered by Botswana Housing Corporation. This scheme will provide expanded accessible and affordable housing for rent and purchase by citizens, with those without any form of housing being given priority. To promote ownership a special fund will be set up to facilitate the financing of loans. This will be a big project, for which we are now actively seeking additional finance.

Local Government

90. Mr. Speaker, labour intensive public works used to be a short term job creation programme, but will now become a permanent programme. Besides providing needed employment, this initiative will ensure cost effective delivery in such areas as destitute housing, road maintenance and local authority infrastructure. Under the revised Labour Intensive Public Works Programme P368 million has been voted for this financial year, which will provide work for over 33,000 people per month. Implementation of this programme has already started in most Districts.

91. Given the complexity of today's ailments, Government has decided to upgrade health posts to clinics in line with our goal of ensuring Batswana have access to good quality health service. Nine health posts will be upgraded during this financial year. During NDP 10, many more health posts will be upgraded.

92. The budget for destitute housing will be scaled up to ensure dignity for the less privileged. As part of this initiative, 635 houses will be constructed over a period of three years. In addition, Councils will continue to provide destitute housing through their recurrent budgets. The Ministry of Local Government will engage local builders for construction of such housing. As part of our overall strategy to support small-scale local entrepreneurs, the Ministry has been further directed to engage local service providers in rural areas to provide for council projects and programmes.

Cross Cutting Initiatives

93. Mr. Speaker, maintenance of assets, anti-corruption, business process reengineering, the environment, filling public sector vacancies, and reaching out for external assistance are cross cutting initiatives, which all Ministries are implementing

94. We are quite concerned about the rising costs and poor services that grow out of inadequate maintenance. To address this challenge we have initiated a process of devolving maintenance responsibilities so that each Ministry and department becomes responsible for the upkeep of its facilities. In terms of road maintenance we shall continue to roll out our Zero Tolerance for Potholes initiative.

95. Ministries are now addressing environmental issues within their purview, as this is more effective than relying on an external party, and they are progressing well in this respect.

Public Service

96. Mr. Speaker, if Government is to be truly "for the people", its public service must be efficiently staffed with men and women who appreciate that their vocational existence is premised upon the expectations of their customers, the public. In this way the Public Service will have the mindset to act as a facilitator, rather than bottleneck, in our broader efforts to realise sustained economic growth and social development.

97. We have put in place enhanced Public Service Standards throughout Government, with performance measures that are open to public scrutiny to better meet both domestic expectations and the demands of globalisation. We are also reinforcing our Code of Conduct for Public Officers.

98. To ensure delivery and quality control, Government has further embarked upon a course of Business Process Reengineering. Since the inception of this initiative over 340 bureaucratic procedures have been reengineered and dozens of service standards launched and publicised.

99. All Ministries and Departments have also been instructed to ensure that they promptly fill all vacancies. While some progress has been achieved, it is important that these efforts be sustained to avoid backsliding.

100. As we move forward, we need to intensify our efforts to tackle bureaucratic red-tape, which will have the further effect of reducing opportunities for corruption. The introduction of e-Services will be a key instrument to our achieving this result. In this respect, Government is investing in the necessary infrastructure to ensure that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) become a driver, rather than impediment, to progress.


101. Mr. Speaker, the success of all of these programmes, projects and initiatives will require effective monitoring and evaluation, to allow us to track progress and redirect our plans as appropriate. It is owing to this that the Government Implementation Coordination Office (GICO) has been mandated to coordinate all Government projects, programmes and policies, while leading and driving its monitoring and evaluation efforts.

102. I wish to reiterate that development requires accountability and commitment. To achieve such discipline, six monthly reviews have been instituted across all branches of Government, by which Ministers and Permanent Secretaries are held accountable and are rated for the performance of their Ministries. I also have quarterly briefings with all Ministries. I have further warned that failure to perform, at both the political and official level, will have consequences.

103. I am pleased to report that our efforts to build a society of achievement, based on world-class standards, are showing signs of success. In just the past few weeks, the World Economic Forum in Geneva commended us as this year's most improved competitor. We have likewise improved our overall rank in the World Bank's recently released "Ease of Doing Business Index", which cited us as being among the world's top regulatory reformers. Our scores have also risen in the latest Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, where for the 13th year in a row, we were cited as being the least corrupt country in Africa, as well as among the least corrupt countries in the world; and the 2008 RS World Risk Survey, where we are ranked in third place globally as a destination for mineral investment.

104. Most recently, and of special note, has been the award of this year's "Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership" to Former President Mogae. On behalf of a grateful nation, I congratulate him for this great honour.

105. Such fresh accolades, along with our steady record as a global leader for political stability and prudent resource management, should not make us complacent. In today's competitive world we must always strive to do better, and I intend to accomplish this.


106. Mr. Speaker, while the onus is on us to take responsibility for our future, we also need the support, partnership and cooperation of the rest of the world. It is thus necessary for us to continue to actively participate in the shaping of trans-national issues and developments that affect our country. In an increasingly borderless world, our own prosperity is dependent on the prosperity of our neighbours and others in the global community.

107. We must therefore seek opportunities beyond our borders by marketing our country as a destination for investment and tourism. We must further commit ourselves to strengthening bilateral relationships and improving our contribution to the work of sub-regional, regional and inter-continental organisations and initiatives. In this respect, we are all proud of the continued international mediation and oversight efforts being played by Former President Sir Ketumile Masire.

108. While we now have diplomatic relations with 130 countries, due to our limited resources we have only 19 resident diplomatic missions. It is, therefore, important for us to strengthen our ties with other nations through the effective implementation of bilateral agreements and proactive participation in multi-lateral institutions.

109. Although membership in various international organisations comes with financial and other obligations, which are often burdensome to small countries such as ours, the price of remaining aloof is higher. There is a host of issues on which we need to play an active role. Whilst we respect the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, and remain cognisant of the fact that our capacity to influence world events is limited, we shall discharge our international responsibilities in line with our own values, regional protocols, and global consensus, voicing our opinion as and when we feel it is justified to do so.

110. This is what we have been doing in the context of developments in Zimbabwe, where we remain seriously concerned about the failure to form a Government that is widely accepted by the people of that country. We are of the further view that it is important for all SADC member states to uphold the regional standards they have collectively and voluntarily adopted. We strongly believe that the one viable way forward in Zimbabwe is to have a rerun of the Presidential Election under full international sponsorship and supervision. That way a repeat of the past runoff Presidential election, which was declared by regional and international observers to be neither free nor fair and was characterised by intimidation and violence, can be avoided. It should be unacceptable for ruling parties to seek to manipulate election outcomes to extend their stay in power, as this is bad for democracy on our continent.

111. As a least developed country at independence, we once depended heavily on the support of friendly countries and organisations. We arrived to where we are today in part because of the help we then received. Even though we are now better off, we still need and benefit from generous external assistance. I, therefore, wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all of the countries who have assisted us over the years. In addition, I further wish to thank the many organisations, companies and individuals, domestic as well as foreign, who have also generously supported us and who continue to contribute to our development endeavours.

Global Financial Crisis

112. Mr. Speaker, the recent international financial crises is a further reminder that we are part and parcel of an interdependent world. So far its impact on our economy has been limited, though this could change. Our own financial sector remains strong and has not as yet been much affected by the credit crunch. Our foreign exchange reserves have also not been compromised and can cushion any immediate impact on our balance of payments. Due to past savings government spending can be sustained in the face of any short-term revenue downturn.

113. The situation, however, remains volatile, with the prospect of declining commodity prices and a general slowdown in trans-national investment. The main risk to us is the crisis' potential effect on diamond exports. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation and fine tune strategies to minimise any adverse domestic consequences. In so doing, we will be guided by our longstanding recognition that Government acts as a steward of public resources for the citizenry of tomorrow, as well as today. We shall thus not drain our current holdings without regard for the future, whilst ensuring that we minimise any negative impact on the private sector, which depends largely on Government spending for the health of their businesses.

114. The potential impact of the global financial crisis is also affecting our ongoing preparations of the tenth National Development Plan, and the need, therefore, to carry out the extensive consultations we have been undertaking with various non-government stakeholders in its preparation. I have directed that the Plan be tabled in Parliament for discussion during the March/April 2009 Budget Session, at which point we will be in a better position to know our likely revenue earnings more accurately.


115. Mr. Speaker, in the final analysis, the ultimate goal of all our efforts is to build a nation that provides for the dignity of each and every citizen. We should be open to diverse contributions, while remaining united in our own diversity. While those entrusted with leadership have an obligation to be responsive to the public's concerns, all Batswana should recognise their own role as development partners. This calls for a renewed commitment to self-reliance and unity of purpose, which can be summed up as patriotism. Elsewhere, others celebrate their achievers - men and women who excel in various fields of endeavour. Let us be similarly proud of our own individual and collective accomplishments.

116. Our political pluralism will once more be on display in the coming year when we go to the polls. Like many of you, I am disappointed that the voter registration process has not achieved its targets. The Independent Electoral Commission is providing additional opportunities for registration. I appeal to those who have so far failed to register to do so. Let me also take this opportunity to state that I have no intention of abandoning our tradition of holding general elections in the month of October.

117. Finally, as we, individually and collectively as a nation, face our challenges; let us together seek God's blessings and guidance. For in doing so we set ourselves on a better path in life. Embrace God's teachings and you embrace your fellow country men and women, and we will succeed in ridding ourselves of all that is evil and remain with what is good inside us and between us. I thank you. PULA!