Friday, August 27, 2010

President's Housing Appeal for the Needy

source: Republic of Botswana TAUTONA TIMES of 15/8/2010
The Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President
"Democracy, Development, Dignity, Discipline and Delivery"


The general public is hereby informed that HE the President has set up the President's Housing Appeal for the Needy whose objective is to provide shelter to the needy members of our society. This comes as recognition that shelter is a basic human need, without which an individual cannot live in dignity.

In this regard the Appeal calls on all who are able i.e., individuals, groups of individuals and companies to help build houses for the needy. The intention is to have housed all needy Batswana by 2016. Government will for its part continue to play its role but would like to encourage others to partner with it for this cause. Those wishing to pledge such assistance should please contact any one of the following members of the Committee:

Col. Duke Masilo 3950844 Office of the President
Mr. Satar Dada 3952904 A.S. Dada Foundations
Mr. Paul Paledi 3914391 Paledi Morrison Partnership

The Committee will publish a register of pledges every month in order to inform the public of progress made. Currently, pledges stand as follows:

Name Number of Houses Project Status
Choppies Group 11 5 Ongoing + 6 mobilising
A.S. Dada Foundation 6 Mobilising
Mr. Mohammed Dada 5 On going
Mr. Willy Kathurima Associates 5 On going
Mr. Rafiq Sandar 3 on going
Buy n' Build 3 On going
Mr. Salim Sheik 1 Ongoing
Total 34

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